Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
lol @ committing armed robbery for a couple twelve packs of beer.
"Reece has had earlier run-ins with the law. In 2011 he was sentenced to nearly two years in prison for the armed robbery of a convenience store on Ninth Avenue, in which he fled with two 12-packs of beer."

Lmfwao. I remember when this happened. He pulled a knife or gun out and demanded money and they said the drawer was locked and he just grabbed some beer and ran. Definitely on some world's dumbest criminals shit. Im sure he was on parole or probation so they charged him with everything they could. Pretty sad that rapists can get 6 months and this dude got two years for 24 beers.
Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
Snakegang @Snakegang you gonna do more in store performances after nacho? illfightyou or gorgeous children would be cool & prolly charge less than nacho, no clue how their live shows are tho
For sure. We're talking to Black Breath trying to get them in late summer. Not 100% sure if we'll keep doing it. Depends on the turn out and response to this one really. The idea we've been tossing around is doing 3 a year. A rapper or group, a metal/rock group and then like a comedian or b-rate celebrity. Ric Flair's name came up the other day. How fucking cool would it be to go get your picture with Ric Flair at a grow shop? haha. But yeah we're looking at buying the property and theres another shop included in front of us. So we might do a tattoo shop and maybe some clothes.