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Bob Pimp MOBBEN!!!
Apr 25, 2002
I was balls deep in this hoe one night ( Cut-Throat @Cut-Throat & Dana Dane @Dana Dane know this hoe ...hell, I am sure more than just those 2 know her skanky ass too lol ) when she proceeded to tell me "Ya know who took my virginity at 15 years old? Baby Bash" I pulled it out & stuck it in her butt, because at that point I knew she was a tramp. Had to give her the ATM for the big finish.

Not relevant to the thread, but that shit came to mind.
That ho preferred the pooper breh...


Girbaud Shuttle Jeans
Dec 10, 2006
Its obvious who wears the size 44 ripped black jnko pants with the hatchetman patches in the Strangla family,

Its better than last season by a mile, not that thats a high bar or anything. Def worth watching though.
cool i'll check it out this weekend

Oh... my .... god...

This dude who's always partying, always has the hottest girls I've ever seen, promotes at clubs drives benz's and lambos, came in looking real bad. We've become pretty acquainted cause he's the most charming dude I've met (no jmacc at that, you know what I fuckin meant, he's super charismatic and ppl react to it positively) and is always joking with me and stuff. Anyway I asked him what's up, what his plans were for thanksgiving, then he broke down legitimately crying

He went on for like 20 mins talking about how hollow his life is and its all bullshit and he feels miserable and alone, no fam, I met his dad before he's an absolute piece of shit, no idea about his mom I didn't want to ask, his friends take and take and are pieces of shit, like every cliche you can think of and was dead serious. Traveled to europe and thailand and the Philippines and all these rural places but still couldn't escape feeling alone, he has no one etc. Like so much shit, then he wanted a hug (no jmacc) and said I was more of a friend than 99% of the ppl he knows, like seriously that fuckin sucks cause I'm a borderline sociopathic person who gets by with the least amount of human interaction possible and generally cannot form emotional attachments

I'm so depressed right now I hope that dude doesn't kill himself

I'm way too high for that dude to exist right now.

new esgn album dropped today.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
I should start photoshopping mixerr into many middle eastern stereotypical photos. I know some of you guys may find it semi-racist but meh.
Mixerr @Mixerr tell him you'll cut him and rape his female family members. You have to diss him or this shit will just keep happening.