it had a few decent eps but they spend a lot of time on a really dumb subplot its like half the season & something about it in general just seems off now
@Nuttkase@infinity either of you got that jessie ware x sbtrkt song nervous? their google ninjas nerfed the fuck out of searching it even tho its like 4 years old lol
@Nuttkase @infinity either of you got that jessie ware x sbtrkt song nervous? their google ninjas nerfed the fuck out of searching it even tho its like 4 years old lol
@Nuttkase, do you see the battle leagues have really taken off? The day will come where an artists has to be tested on stage before he sells his product. I'm all for it.
Next major artist is Cassidy stepping into the ring, they put up $250k for him. Budden was about $100k I believe.