This is Michael Mixerr reviews. I am Michael Mixerr. Today I will be reviewing snakegang's mixtape sent to me by Snakegang. Snakegang is a poster on, and has sent me his mixtape to review. Snakegangs mixtape is an eclectic mix of early 90s rhythem and blues and house techno fused with funky bluegrass rifts. His mixtape is terrible and you should not buy it. Snakegang is also part of a bully clique on who like to bully autistic people like Michael Mixerr from Mixerr reviews. Do not appreciate or support the bully snakegang from and his mixtape because he bullies autistic people. This was Michael Mixerr.
It took me a few to realize he went to someone's post that dissed him and copied all the people who propped them to come up with that. I was all like "What is that list even of?"
did i fail to mention that my cousin married a black chick with 3 kids? i finally have black people in my family! for the first time in the history of geneology