Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
Cat stories. When I was around 11-12 I had a cat named Tiger, he was an outdoor cat at that point and crazy as fuck to everyone but me and my mom. Anyways me and two of my friends are playing in the woods behind the apartment complex we lived in at the time. We are walking through them to where this huge tree had fell over years prior and you could climb it and jump off it and shit. So we come upon the tree and there is my cat, with literally at least two dozen other cats, just chilling everywhere on and around the fallen tree. They all looked at us, just staring right at us, and we are all like "what the fuck." Tiger gets up, walks over, rubs against my leg and then walks away and lays back down amongst his posse of cats. We just walked away, it was all creepy as fuck lol.