I was so bad at math that I had to take the minimum basic algebra class with freshman as a senior just to be able to graduate...And I barely passed, with like a D- or some shit...and I think the teacher was going easy on me.
I nerd out on shit like The Universe and physics in general and wish I had the same enthusiasm then about that shit as I do now so that I would have learned it. Oh well, /wrists.
I took Algebra in 9th (fail), Summer (fail), and 10th (pass) and geometry in 11th (fail), and 12th (pass).
because of that I thought I sucked at math for at least 10 years. I went back to college, had to start at stupid person math, and work all way up through pre-cal's - learned it was just a puzzle, and a language which follows trends and rules. Ended up dominating Calculus 1,2,3.
you giving me hope bro.
I am going back to school. I only have one more year left and I can get my B.A. in Communications. however i havent taken a math class since 99!
you giving me hope bro.
I am going back to school. I only have one more year left and I can get my B.A. in Communications. however i havent taken a math class since 99!