for them medicated brehs e3Ukd74TmeA
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,121 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,121 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 for them medicated brehs Props: Snakegang, Snakegang, DVS ONE and 7 others
BUTCHER 206 FREE BUTCHER206 Jul 1, 2014 #220,122 Aug 22, 2003 12,316 109,201 113 Seattle, WA Jul 1, 2014 #220,122 BUTCHER 206 Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: fuck off and go blow Garth Brooks Click to expand... WHATS WRONG WITH GARTH BROOKS Props: S.SAVAGE and S.SAVAGE
InfamousICON said: fuck off and go blow Garth Brooks Click to expand... WHATS WRONG WITH GARTH BROOKS
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,123 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,123 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 BUTCHER206 said: WHATS WRONG WITH GARTH BROOKS Click to expand... Garth Brooks makes and has always made terrible "music" Props: Snakegang and Snakegang
BUTCHER206 said: WHATS WRONG WITH GARTH BROOKS Click to expand... Garth Brooks makes and has always made terrible "music"
drunkaholic707 FUCK LA Jul 1, 2014 #220,124 Sep 20, 2005 26,056 58,989 113 FUCK YOU Jul 1, 2014 #220,124 drunkaholic707 Jul 1, 2014 I don't even listen to garth brooks never heard his music but doesn't change the fact black sabbath and zeppelin are pure garbage
I don't even listen to garth brooks never heard his music but doesn't change the fact black sabbath and zeppelin are pure garbage
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,125 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,125 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 drunkaholic707 said: I don't even listen to garth brooks never heard his music but doesn't change the fact black sabbath and zeppelin are pure garbage Click to expand... once again your opinion is invalid, you listen to country and Norteno rap lol
drunkaholic707 said: I don't even listen to garth brooks never heard his music but doesn't change the fact black sabbath and zeppelin are pure garbage Click to expand... once again your opinion is invalid, you listen to country and Norteno rap lol
BUTCHER 206 FREE BUTCHER206 Jul 1, 2014 #220,126 Aug 22, 2003 12,316 109,201 113 Seattle, WA Jul 1, 2014 #220,126 BUTCHER 206 Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: Garth Brooks makes and has always made terrible "music" Click to expand... Props: S.SAVAGE and S.SAVAGE
drunkaholic707 FUCK LA Jul 1, 2014 #220,127 Sep 20, 2005 26,056 58,989 113 FUCK YOU Jul 1, 2014 #220,127 drunkaholic707 Jul 1, 2014 Stairway to heaven is dope tho
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,128 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,128 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: once again your opinion is invalid, you listen to country and Norteno rap lol Click to expand... I'm just kidding, I don't care what you listen to I appreciate and support you appreciating and supporting the art of music Props: Snakegang, Snakegang, Gr4mx619 and 8 others
InfamousICON said: once again your opinion is invalid, you listen to country and Norteno rap lol Click to expand... I'm just kidding, I don't care what you listen to I appreciate and support you appreciating and supporting the art of music
drunkaholic707 FUCK LA Jul 1, 2014 #220,129 Sep 20, 2005 26,056 58,989 113 FUCK YOU Jul 1, 2014 #220,129 drunkaholic707 Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: once again your opinion is invalid, you listen to country and Norteno rap lol Click to expand... You listen to rock you opinion is useless lol
InfamousICON said: once again your opinion is invalid, you listen to country and Norteno rap lol Click to expand... You listen to rock you opinion is useless lol
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,130 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,130 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 I appreciate and support Butcher creating the appreciate and support Freedom Town meme Props: Snakegang, Snakegang, Gr4mx619 and 6 others
Nuttkase not nolettuce Jul 1, 2014 #220,131 Jun 5, 2002 38,747 159,555 113 45 at the welfare mall Jul 1, 2014 #220,131 Nuttkase Jul 1, 2014 Nuttkase said: Someone see if they can find Ted Nugent's old tour schedules and if he went through Oregon sometime in January of 1987. Click to expand... Ummmm... what.. Props: Snakegang, Snakegang, DVS ONE and 10 others
Nuttkase said: Someone see if they can find Ted Nugent's old tour schedules and if he went through Oregon sometime in January of 1987. Click to expand... Ummmm... what..
drunkaholic707 FUCK LA Jul 1, 2014 #220,132 Sep 20, 2005 26,056 58,989 113 FUCK YOU Jul 1, 2014 #220,132 drunkaholic707 Jul 1, 2014 Nuttkase dad is Ted nugent Props: ALL BOUT CHICKEN and ALL BOUT CHICKEN
BUTCHER 206 FREE BUTCHER206 Jul 1, 2014 #220,133 Aug 22, 2003 12,316 109,201 113 Seattle, WA Jul 1, 2014 #220,133 BUTCHER 206 Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: I appreciate and support Butcher creating the appreciate and support Freedom Town meme Click to expand... So much unappreciation and so little support, it had to be done lol Props: jake921660 and jake921660
InfamousICON said: I appreciate and support Butcher creating the appreciate and support Freedom Town meme Click to expand... So much unappreciation and so little support, it had to be done lol
drunkaholic707 FUCK LA Jul 1, 2014 #220,134 Sep 20, 2005 26,056 58,989 113 FUCK YOU Jul 1, 2014 #220,134 drunkaholic707 Jul 1, 2014 I need some alcohol being awake sucks Props: BUTCHER 206
Nuttkase not nolettuce Jul 1, 2014 #220,135 Jun 5, 2002 38,747 159,555 113 45 at the welfare mall Jul 1, 2014 #220,135 Nuttkase Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: for them medicated brehs Click to expand... I do like that song but it's really weird seeing I love stoner/sludge metal so much yet I could never fully get into Black Sabbath. Props: Snakegang, Snakegang and BUTCHER 206
InfamousICON said: for them medicated brehs Click to expand... I do like that song but it's really weird seeing I love stoner/sludge metal so much yet I could never fully get into Black Sabbath.
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,136 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,136 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 Nuttkase said: Ummmm... what.. Click to expand... lol that was during Kiss' hair band phase when they didn't wear make up and only had half of the original band lol Gene Simmons looked like a tranny in that video Props: Snakegang, Snakegang and BUTCHER 206
Nuttkase said: Ummmm... what.. Click to expand... lol that was during Kiss' hair band phase when they didn't wear make up and only had half of the original band lol Gene Simmons looked like a tranny in that video
BUTCHER 206 FREE BUTCHER206 Jul 1, 2014 #220,137 Aug 22, 2003 12,316 109,201 113 Seattle, WA Jul 1, 2014 #220,137 BUTCHER 206 Jul 1, 2014 If I ever see ted nugent ill buy him a beer, then steal the glass and put it in a sealed bag for testing Props: S.SAVAGE, S.SAVAGE, Nuttkase and 1 other person
If I ever see ted nugent ill buy him a beer, then steal the glass and put it in a sealed bag for testing
InfamousICON FTB Jul 1, 2014 #220,138 Jan 29, 2005 11,581 89,282 113 41 PHX Jul 1, 2014 #220,138 InfamousICON Jul 1, 2014 Nuttkase said: I do like that song but it's really weird seeing I love stoner/sludge metal so much yet I could never fully get into Black Sabbath. Click to expand... Sabbath is probably my favorite "classic rock" band. Probably one of my top 5 favorite bands ever. Props: S.SAVAGE, S.SAVAGE, Nuttkase and 1 other person
Nuttkase said: I do like that song but it's really weird seeing I love stoner/sludge metal so much yet I could never fully get into Black Sabbath. Click to expand... Sabbath is probably my favorite "classic rock" band. Probably one of my top 5 favorite bands ever.
Nuttkase not nolettuce Jul 1, 2014 #220,139 Jun 5, 2002 38,747 159,555 113 45 at the welfare mall Jul 1, 2014 #220,139 Nuttkase Jul 1, 2014 InfamousICON said: lol that was during Kiss' hair band phase when they didn't wear make up and only had half of the original band lol Gene Simmons looked like a tranny in that video Click to expand... KISS is like ICP to me, or well I guess more like ICP is like KISS to me. I can not stand their music for the life of me but gotta respect their merchandise hustle. Few other similarities there too with the face paint and all lol. Props: Snakegang, Snakegang, S.SAVAGE and 3 others
InfamousICON said: lol that was during Kiss' hair band phase when they didn't wear make up and only had half of the original band lol Gene Simmons looked like a tranny in that video Click to expand... KISS is like ICP to me, or well I guess more like ICP is like KISS to me. I can not stand their music for the life of me but gotta respect their merchandise hustle. Few other similarities there too with the face paint and all lol.
BUTCHER 206 FREE BUTCHER206 Jul 1, 2014 #220,140 Aug 22, 2003 12,316 109,201 113 Seattle, WA Jul 1, 2014 #220,140 BUTCHER 206 Jul 1, 2014 Props: Gr4mx619, Gr4mx619, S.SAVAGE and 3 others