Fuckin bitch ass tapajunk
Can easily post using the browser but TapaFag just says loading forever and ever
It always has done this for siccness.net they're obviously not compatible fully
Fast. Easy. No resizing necessary. Eliminates unnecessary ads and borders and other shit formatting. Streamlined. Sexy. Smooth. Intuitive touchscreen control like sideswiping to pages. God tier
Slow. Difficult. Constantly resizing. Huge banner ads and cluttered shitty borders. Bulky. Ugly. Slower cause more coding to load. Counterintuitive ultra tiny icons meant for mice not touching with finger. WhatIsThisTextForAnts.jpg. shit tier
Plus google pretty much owns the rights to my life by now using this piece of shit phone and going on youtube and all that. I don't need them following my browsing too, even though they probably do anyway
Can you post ten times in less than 30 seconds using chrome? You probably can't even navigate to freedomtown in less than 30 seconds you fucking piece of shit canadian ice beaner FUCK YOU