Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
Yeah Murder City Devils ruled, saw them twice. This song rules


Spencer Moody's (lead singer) band Triumph of Lethargy Skinned Alive to Death afterwards was pretty rad too. It was more art rockish than MCD though.

Last I heard he owns a antique store somewhere in Seattle.
Spencer moody works for some coffee company too. He had a kickstarter to raise money to make a MCD style solo album but didn't get enough $. Kinda sad because he wasn't asking for that much. Like $40,000 or so. I saw triumph of lethargy with the blood brothers in like 06 or so. It was awesome but kinda sucked because nobody was into them at all.
Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
As much as I love The Blood Brothers, one of my fav bands ever, knowing how the vast majority of their fan base was that doesn't surprise me at all.
Yeah it was combover hipster fest for sure. I actually got detained outside the show because someone called the cops and said I was selling drugs. I was actually just drinking a tall can behind a bush, but being that I wasn't dressed like everyone else there I just stuck out.
Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
The only time I saw them was with Minus the Bear and it was like a year before they broke up so I don't know if most of that fan base had moved on but it was surprisingly scene kid/hipsterless.
Yeah they have a weird fanbase. But from my time at the record store it seemed like most of their fans were scene kids and cute "punk" girls. Not so much hipsters. But the show I went to was almost all super hipsters.