Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Aug 26, 2002
Hard Times
yea he was actually coo as hell hella funny and all his potnas was hella coo too and treated me and my nigga good and paid good too

online he a different dude

He seems like a character and rolls with the punches kinda. So could see him being a cool dude offline. I think he's just off his meds or something
Apr 26, 2003
East Oakland, USA
I don't have the energy to read threw the all the malki shenanigans, let alone respond to any of it.

But, to hell with that guy.
It's tiring.

I don't care how nice of a guy or really cool he is in real life. To put that much effort into being such an ass online to fake some kind of image, fuck off. I don't care how many other people vouch for you, or who they are, at the end of the day you're responsible for your own actions, and to represent yourself in that way, to be that brand of asshole, fuck you buddy.

It's embarrassing, as a rap fan, as a white person, as someone from the bay, it's sickening.

...and once and for all, etched in stone, for the record: There is nothing gangster about Berkeley. Just because you're in driving distance of Oakland doesn't mean shit.

Lean on an image you cultivate, lean on other peoples word, lean on perceptions, then get knocked down when time comes to stand on your own 2 feet.

That's all, Im done.