Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Oct 25, 2011
this chick from last night talkin about 'my mom kicked me out, can i crash at your pad tonight?'

....pft! this aint my first rodeo, hell nah lol

A: you are over the age of 21 & live with your mom, thats where you went wrong.
B: your pussy is good, but it aint THAT good lol
C: you aint no muhfuckin BBW, not really my style.
D: your voice is annoying & we was fuckin NOT lovin.
Props: BUTCHER 206

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
So I'm driving home today and I'm in a really nice neighborhood, its a beautiful day so I got all the windows down and the system on blast. I pull up at a light and there's this bummy looking dude standing at the light and I realize he's trying to say something to me. So I turn down the stereo and this dude, he's probably 60, says in a perfectly normal sounding voice "you're a faggot you get fucked in the ass faggot". I burst out laughing and do a double take and he's dead serious trying to talk shit. So I start to cut the wheel to pull over and park and he says "why did you have to break my leg, it hurts so much" and then I realize dude is fucking nuts, and I almost just jumped out the ride and mollywhopped some crazy old ass man. This would definately have led to police showing up due to the neighborhood, and would have lead to my car getting impounded cuz no L's and probably assault charges.

Cool story breh.