Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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( o )( o )
May 4, 2005
I also have Pts. 2 & 3 of Mozzymix in the works. Not really sounding as good as the 1st one so I might take the best parts of both and just make it a Pt. 2.

Pt. 3 consists of his material from that new Cellyru album (5 verses + 2 hooks)

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
im so fucked up right now..... my brothers in a medical induced coma..... his lungs are failing and im hearing shit like they just have to make sure he's comfortable now....they can't tell why its happening... i can tdeal with this shit. fuck.
i wish your brother the best.

i dunno if you believe in prayer but stay positive tell yourself that he will be okay and believe it with all your heart. i say this because when my mother had a brain tumor and things looked real bad i prayed for the first time and told myself the same thing and miraculously she survived and 100% bounced back from the same thing that put my bro grapes of wrath into vegetable status...

stay strong for him and put some positivity and faith out into the world....the more the better. it dosent have to be a god thing just more liek a karmatic energy thing.

ill do the same. look forward to you updating us with good news.