yeah, we've got them, just don't have the picture uploaded yet. The computer is jacked up. I guess I could take pre-orders if anyone wants to go ahead and order?? I know we've got more orders than shirts, so far, so pre-ordering might be a good way to go.
They're going to be $25 each because of our price, etc (which will include shipping) but if anyone wants to pre-order we'll sell them for $20 each through July 10th. You'll be able to order on the website shortly ( but until then you can send a check made out to: Bloc Star Ent.
Bloc Star Ent
8359 Elk Grove Florin Rd
Suite 103, # 301
Sacramento, CA 95829
The initial t-shirts have the Psycho Active pic on them with the gun to the head, say Free X-Raided, and Bloc Star Entertainment, white t-shirts, graphic is tinted blue. sizes available right now are XXL & 3XL