FREE crack pipes

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May 13, 2002
Seattle to give out free crack pipes


For more than 20 years, local heroin addicts have relied on a collection of needle exchanges for clean works. But in recent months, crack users too have quietly found an outlet in the city.

In a nondescript alley in the University District, users can pick up clean crack pipes, pipe filters and ascorbic acid for injecting crack. Heroin users can also pick up a drug that reverses a heroin overdose -- an apparent first for a city needle exchange.

"We take a different philosophy approach than most government institutions or public health departments. They have a budget, and have to pick and choose who they're going to help," said Shilo Murphy, executive director of the non-profit People's Harm Reduction Alliance, which runs the U-District needle exchange.

"We say this is our community, this is our neighborhood, and we should decide what we have at the table."

The exchange, which celebrated 20 years in the neighborhood this week, has come a long way from its roots -- when a man named Bob walked the Ave. and dispensed sterile needles from his backpack.

These days, the largely volunteer-driven exchange, which serves 400 to 600 people a month, is better known for branching ahead of its peers in the harm reduction world.

Public health officials know of no other local program that gives out crack kits or Naloxone, the heroin-overdose reversal drug. But they see the potential benefits.

Just as sterile syringes reduce the spread of HIV and other diseases, new and unbroken glass pipes are believed to prevent lip cuts and the spread of hepatitis strains. Rubber tips and new filters ward off mouth burns. Ascorbic acid helps prevent users from using lemon juice to dissolve cocaine rocks into an injectable liquid -- a common practice that can lead to fungal infections.

"Our program is primarily an HIV prevention program," said Michael Hanrahan, manager of education and prevention services of the HIV/STD program with Public Health -- Seattle & King County. The agency, which runs four exchange programs, has watched the demand for clean needles surge from 1.8 million in 2006 to nearly 3.4 million last year.

Hanrahan said research has documented HIV transmission from dirty needles, but he wasn't aware of rigorous studies showing disease spread via crack sores.

"But it's certainly theoretically plausible," he said.

Last year, the Legislature passed a law allowing lay people to legally administer Naloxone, which counters the effects of an opioid overdose. Hanrahan said Public Health is interested in giving the drug to users, but because it is a prescription drug, the agency first needs to work on protocols with the state Board of Pharmacy.

At the People's Harm Reduction Alliance - partially comprised of former users who run a table at Northeast 43rd Street and University Avenue Northeast - there is less need to follow protocols and studies.

The program began giving out crack kits a few months ago, after staffers felt the need to support crack users, who still make up a major local drug trend, according to a recent University of Washington study.

And the exchange began giving out Naloxone soon after the new law took effect in June.

Murphy estimated his program gives out two million needles a year and 10 pipes a day. This month, it handed out 25 vials of Naloxone.

"We don't have clients, we just have community members. I make it clear to everyone that everyone is family here," Murphy said.

"We believe all drug users should have the right to not get diseases and have the ability to prevent diseases."


Shark Finning & Grinning
May 17, 2002
Murky Bay Waters, CA
I like how they're giving out Naloxone, cause I bet a lot of junkies have backed out on taking themselves or friends to hospitals and have died cause of it.

Well hopefully fewer tire gauges at local gas stations won't go missing. Hope they start doing that around CA needle exchanges, i hate when i pull up to check my tire pressure and find out some basehead jacked it the night before.
Mar 14, 2010
SEATTLE....the Only city that YUPPIES and Crackheads share a seat at the Bus stop and the YUPPIE Dont mind that he is taking Rips off his PIPE!!!! No offense to you seattle kats...but this city has alot of really Fake and Stupid ass People. The only reason they are doing this is Because 90% of the Crackheads in the U-District are Rich white peoples Kids. They wouldnt do that shit in the COLLEGE Towns in the SOUTH where the Student population is 99.9% black...If they did, it would be on the front page of every Newspaper in the Country. But its Rich white People so i guess its Okay...Their Kids and Family are worth waaaay more than Black Peoples Kids and Family. This is the Kind of shit that Makes me Dislike SEATTLE alot. Ya'll keep spoiling these Punk ass Bums and Crackheads then Hardworking People Like Me and my Wife have to deal with that Bullshit on the Streets... I dont think i could count on my Hands as many CLUCKS that i have Punched in the Mouth or Beat up on the Bus for being disrespectful. I think i'm gonna Start Killing Bums at night.
Nov 14, 2002
The only reason they are doing this is Because 90% of the Crackheads in the U-District are Rich white peoples Kids. They wouldnt do that shit in the COLLEGE Towns in the SOUTH where the Student population is 99.9% black...
Why would a rich white kid need free crackpipes when they can go to a head shop and buy a nice glass piece?And uh, a rich white kid can't go to a gas station and buy a rose?

You stupid.

And how many people that are in college are so broke they can't drop a dollar for a fuckin' rose? I don't know about you, but I don't know any flat broke, crackhead college students.


Sicc OG
Apr 19, 2008
remember now...just cuz their mommy and daddy are rich, doesnt make their crackhead selves rich. they been cut off if theyre gettin free pipes, and doin shit they would never do for weed.