France Riots Over Pension Reforms While Americans Lose Their Homes w/o Protest

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Mar 1, 2006
It's simple really, there is no leadership, leaders are too busy trying to start businesses to make some money for there own to survive, when most reach the comfort level they sell out, We in the U.S are not really set in organized communities but a bunch of individuals.

Like the guy said in earlier post fuck France but he can't even grasp the whole picture because of limited critical thinking skills. School system is fucked and keeps you dumb down.
Apr 30, 2008
Honestly, the way I see it there will always be poor people and it's wrong to punish people who actually do good in life and that's real. I don't understand how people that don't believe Christ was God in the flesh and also believe in the anti-Christ can believe is shit like the NWO and one world government. That's Revelations prophecy. Jesus was and is the one true God. I pray for Muslims and Jews that won't convert.

Call me an extremest or right wing loon. but that's who I think. I normally wouldn't even go into detail like that but my grandma just passed on and I need to get my shit right. I'm done with coke/crack. My soul is more important.


Apr 25, 2002
Honestly, the way I see it there will always be poor people and it's wrong to punish people who actually do good in life and that's real.
But who's being punished here? The rich guy who may get a tax break because he earned his money at the expense of others or the guy who is poor, in the hood, trying to go to school but beaten up by the police because he "fit the description"?

I don't understand how people that don't believe Christ was God in the flesh and also believe in the anti-Christ can believe is shit like the NWO and one world government.

That's Revelations prophecy. Jesus was and is the one true God. I pray for Muslims and Jews that won't convert.
What does any of this have to do with Americans not protesting?

Call me an extremest or right wing loon. but that's who I think.
I respect your opinions but also reserve the right to call you a right wing loon or something far more insulting.

I normally wouldn't even go into detail like that but my grandma just passed on and I need to get my shit right. I'm done with coke/crack. My soul is more important.
In life we often get side tracked and loose perspective but, in order to gain it back, we loose something much more important or dear to us.

My condolences to you and your fam.
Apr 30, 2008
What I was getting at is one world government is a religious prophecy and the work of the anti-Christ so I don't really understand why a non believer would even care. That's why I tied in Revelation. It's funny to me that some people will believe that a race of Reptilians from the Crab Nebula came here and have been dominating everything about Earth before they would believe in God. Atheists tend to be liberal/progressive and support not just workers unions, but also stuff like the UN and EU. It's dropped off a bit in the past few years, but there is campaigning for a North American union. Unions equal loss of individual power and that's what helps tyrants taking power. They don't care about the members, just the money they pay in dues.

Being afraid of Freemasons and the Bilderbergs making your decisions for you, but being fine with unions doing the exact same thing seems backward to me.

Back on topic.....France is a mess. People are living longer and the economy is down and it wouldn't hurt that much if the French people tried to help out and make some concessions that would actually help. France will look lioke Germany in the 30's in 15-20 years if there isn't some major changes.

and thank you for the condolences


Apr 25, 2002
What I was getting at is one world government is a religious prophecy and the work of the anti-Christ so I don't really understand why a non believer would even care.
Who are you talking about? Who is the non believer?

That's why I tied in Revelation. It's funny to me that some people will believe that a race of Reptilians from the Crab Nebula came here and have been dominating everything about Earth before they would believe in God.
David Icke, a guy who I don't even remember hearing about until I came here is a prime example of what you speak of, but how does all of this tie in to what I said?

Atheists tend to be liberal/progressive and support not just workers unions, but also stuff like the UN and EU. It's dropped off a bit in the past few years, but there is campaigning for a North American union. Unions equal loss of individual power and that's what helps tyrants taking power. They don't care about the members, just the money they pay in dues.
And who do theists tend to support? Who do conservatives tend to support or care for?

Being afraid of Freemasons and the Bilderbergs making your decisions for you, but being fine with unions doing the exact same thing seems backward to me.
OK, but who is this applicable to? Who are you talking about?


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I don't live in France, haven't been to France, and i don't know anyone in France, so I don't give a shit about what is happening in France..................
Comparison is the most effective method of analysis that we have. If we look at everything within a void, we will never be able to observe other possibilities. (I just wish the Supreme Court would rely on international law a little bit more, might do them some good...) Americans are so egotistical that most of us think that our country is infallible and we can't learn things from anyone else. That couldn't be further from the truth. The more worldly you are, the more different viewpoints you've been exposed to. As far as I know, looking at what's going on in France and thinking about it a minute is probably the best thing you can do with your time right now.

CB is right that we're way too dumbed down to do anything. I think the government was set up in a way to give people no sense of self efficacy. We all feel detached. We don't think we really have any power in how the government works, and so we don't see any reason to participate in the process. We don't think our vote counts. And we got other ways to distract ourselves. Materially, we have it better than the majority of the world, even in a recession. But mentally, politically, etc...we really are just a bunch of ants scurrying to and fro, keeping it low key, trying to be comfortable until we cash it in and our family fights over our material possessions. It's another example of comparison, the people who have everything don't really appreciate the things they have. The people from other countries who have zero money and zero say in the government and watch their cousins get killed by genocidal governments come to the US and are totally appreciative of the fact that they can get citizenship and vote and totally disgusted with the fact that we can't name our own state Senators.

But that NWO type shit doesn't really fly with me. There's no central force running things from behind the scenes. It's all about economy and capitalism. TV and entertainment sells, living a life of luxury sells...all these mindless people are just a byproduct of capitalism and not some victims of an organized plan to keep us fat and stupid.


Apr 25, 2002
But that NWO type shit doesn't really fly with me. There's no central force running things from behind the scenes. It's all about economy and capitalism. TV and entertainment sells, living a life of luxury sells...all these mindless people are just a byproduct of capitalism and not some victims of an organized plan to keep us fat and stupid.
You can't say "There's no central force running things from behind the scenes." then go on to say "It's all about economy and capitalism."

Who controls the majority of the worlds resources? Do these people have any type of business connections with one another? Do they influence and dictate policy? Are they lobbyist? Bankers? Moguls?

If you don't keep the people fat and stupid, how can you sell them those pills, creams and dreams?