i'd do the research on it first to see what the true value of it is, this is where a real estate agent who knows the neighborhood would come in handy. just because he's offering it to you for $50K less than current asking price doesn't mean your getting a deal. there's a reason why its been on the market for this long at that price. it aint worth that much. i'd be sure to check recent comps to see if its even worth 350K. At 400K he'd be paying 20K in commissions (@ 5% which would net him 380K. why would he sell it to you without an agent and lose another 30K to net 350K if it wasn't worth that much to begin with? again do your research folks, the market is a bit different everywhere, my boy's spot in fairfield is sittin on a 1/4 acre, nice house about 2000sq ft in a decent area, he's taken about a 30% loss since he purchased it 2 years ago. the market is going to do what it's gonna do regardless if you have a big lot or not. i think your being too optimistic if you think you're gonna make 100K in 2 years