You the type of dude to wear Tin foil hats and shit//
Sit on the roof smoking glass,about a half a zip//
Askin grumpy if she seen that saucer pass the crib//
Paranoid like "the illuminati's going to pack my ass with dicks"//
No one fucks with you,you should pack a gat with clips//
Then put it to ya head,like a cap from lids//
And squeeze it like an ass or tits,I'd really appreciate that,you faggot bitch//
"this rap shit is easy",yeah if it's badly spit//
I would love to smash your face with a massive fist//
And post flicks of you on the ground in piss//
but you never come out,so that route...can't exist//
It's funny,you from the south bay,but I'm the shark,you fish//
And this shark is pissed,swimming in bloody waters with parts of fish//
Don't you know it's bad when poodles bark at pits//
Weak minded faggot,couldn't hack it on the sicc//
So he packed his bags and split,flamer the phony...homeboy raps abandoned kid//