First Degree The D.E. is Super Exposed in "LISTEN UP, YA PEDO!"

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Apr 11, 2008
Yeah I hate racist honkeys that call people niggers, they are worse than gooks that try and act like niggers, or even worse, those damn spics that make me sick with their racism against the sandniggers and towelsheads...and I cant stand chinks that wanna be honkeys either
   /ˌkɒntrəˈdɪkʃən/ Show Spelled[kon-truh-dik-shuhn] Show IPA
the act of contradicting; gainsaying or opposition.
assertion of the contrary or opposite; denial.
a statement or proposition that contradicts or denies another or itself and is logically incongruous.

not sure what school of logic you come from....but they need to fire all the teachers.
Jun 11, 2004
Hmmmm, not sure what to think about this one. I understand the message is overall positive, but I think this song may incite more negativity toward white people from your black fans, rather than helping everyone get along.

I noticed a lot of political references in the video While racism obviously ain't dead, I think discrimination nowadays happens more based on social class, income and influence. Money talks no matter who is holdin it, that seems to be the determining factor these days as to who gets the short end of the deal and who doesn't. But you seem to be blaming political injustice on "honkeys" and "crackas". I say fuck corrupt government period, white, black, brown, whatever. Everyones getting fucked by the man these days.

I'm gonna give it a few more listens and see if I can understand more what ur tryin to say. Im white btw

And it's always it's nice to here a de and beta track.
Mar 30, 2011
^thats a good point^ but the only thought to that is politics has been run by whites for most of americas history. it's getting mixed now and not just at the top levels but by individual communities and it's all coming to light to what they are doing on the community level. like the bell scandal. they're even looking into corruption where i'm from but they're trying to sweep it under the rug.

aside from that i guess the top tiers of government and corporation. thats all we had for decades and now we all know what's going on and it's getting worse.

some people on our political channels you can see where they are coming from. they would rather fuel the fire for debate than use common sense. they would rather take to one side just to gain followers and voters and push their agenda.

this is a new age we got the first minority president and even though i'm taking losses with him i still support him because the real issues are being addressed. all the petty bickering he don't have time for it and he's hitting the big issues.

bush j.r. put a black eye on america. the world looked at us as fools and it took some time for me to care and realize it.

i'm glad obama is there to turn this around and work toward the common good. we been fucked for too long. international relations have been fucked!

now it's time to look @ ourselves and get america back to work. get our economy flowing again.

punish corporate greed.

and leave the bull alone.
Judgment Day 2.

Operation: "Red Outing", running as planned.

The Strong vs. the weak.

Great discussion. Some of you have clearly presented yourselves as strong minded. Some of you are showing your true colors and your weak minds. To all the strong minded whites, we (all the millions of minorities that appeciate you) have your back!

Thats what it really comes down to. The battle between the strong minded whites vs the weak minded whites. God bless you strong minded whites. Keep up the good work. We love and appreciate you. Its time to deal with the thorn in your races side. Small minded whites!

LESSON OF THE DAY, WORTH. Your worth is judged through the eyes of others. WHAT YOUVE DONE FOR OTHERS DETERMINES YOUR VALUE.

What have you done for others?

Tune in for Day 3 of Judgment Day. Respect>opinion.
360, you saying lies about me and disrespecting shows the worthless in your crackadom. No, spreading lies about me will not give you worth. It makes you look stupid (like a honkey), and does not reflect on me. You are worthless.

In the end, you will still be a lonely cracka with very few true friends because of your weak personality. You are no one.
Only a weak minded cracka would resort to lies about messenger of a message like this. Dont be a honkey! I told yall, the crackas would out themselves and discredit the messenger.

At least we now know them as crackas! This movement of peace was too important to let a few predictable honkeys have worth.
Oct 21, 2002
ya'll did 21 gun salute the song together though right?? p.s. tell phonk beta to put his planet zero loaded face on and make like 100 beats from that era and to let you kill em all everyone would buy it guaranteed
Jan 21, 2010
good shit D.E., always good to hear new music from ya, and i see the point of this. i also agree with what a lot of ppl are sayin bout the world being fucked up regardless of race. however there are still far too many racists in the u.s. alone, it makes me sick to see it as a white person who hears it from other white ppl who assume im gonna agree. theres nothing i really hate more than that so im feelin this track, also i doubt that this song is going to turn black ppl against white ppl lol
Thanks thacrow. Strong minded like you are the key in this new war.

Attention strong minded whites and minorities. I am getting information out on this 360_541 weak minded honkey that chose to disrespect the messenger of Our movement. He is damned now.

Peace, stay tuned.
Nov 13, 2008
Dude, Im a try not to write like a long ass book here,but this song makes me think n shit. First off I'm white,not from the hood but not from rich-town USA either, I work like a dog 70 hrs most weeks for my scratch.I jam out to some rap occasionally cause like anybody I get angry in life so I'll feel that angry rap sicc type shit.And yeah it pisses me off when I see some ignorant ass white kid from the burbs wearin his hat to the side,sayin the n-word to his dudes,and tryin to act gangsta,so I agree with that part.As I aint thug or gangster or nuthin.So them "crackas" are ignorant and if they were to get a whippin for actin stupid so be it,hopefully they learn from it.

That said there is a stereotype in society these days that says white people should fear black people and like DE said that is ignorant,stupid,and wrong.Myself I don't judge or fear anyone based on race or appearance. But I've seen with my eyes and heard with my ears that some black people just think white guys are all punks and aint got no go in em, which is also a dumb and misguided stereotype that pisses me off. And some of this stuff in this song can be viewed as stoking that stereotype,if people take it the wrong way.There are some parts of the song that make it sound like whites are all pussys and black people are all Mike Tyson.I am not offended by the song, and like the idea of it and give props to DE for doin it,and I agree with the thought process of it and would support that "movement". I did think it coulda been worded different not to offend or encite anger out of white people.

All said there will always be racism and thats just the way it is, and all races have a racist sect in them,yet in today's society it seems like the thing to do is to single out white people as racists, and not call out racists of different skin colors, however that may just be my opinion and could be wrong skewed by my point of view as being white.Hypothetically if a white artist made a similar song about black people I believe they would be labled racist,and that double standard frustrates me, but I could be wrong.But racism is an infection amongst all races and colors, not just white people.

Yeah I know "nice story" n shit, but song had me thinkin serious,but like some of the Chappelle sketches people of all races gotta be able to laugh at themselves and laugh at some of the wrong but at times funny ass stereotypes and not always be quick to get sore over stupid shit.
Thanks for writing your "book" Ash, it was wise and needed. ;) Weak minded whites needed to be angered. Its the first step towards them lookin in the mirror and makin a change. Keep up the good work and keep contributing.

Southern, if you really think that, you are a dumb ass honkey. If you honestly believe that, I almost feel sorry for your friendless ass. You are few friends because you are a tool in the art of whine. You must be stupid as fuck. You are now damned.

Do youll see the predictable tricks the weak minded cracka makes to discredit the messenger? Do there is nothing you worthless honkeys can say about me to stop this message. This is biiger than you and me.

Love live the strong minded white man!
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