lol i think this filthdee guy kicks it with blacks and drops the nbomb all day long. what a confused uninteresting person
really though all anybody would have to do to check this guy would be pulling out a stack, cause i bet filthdee doesnt have $100 to his name right now. anybody this blatantly ignorant cant possibly be getting money. lol fuck it who wnats to start some paypal bets
25$ hes a mutt, probably 8 differnet kinds of white and some indian
50$ there are at least 2 mulatto children in his extended family
25$ his iq is less than 100
25$ his criminal record includes residential burglary less than 1000$ and assault in a lesser degree by plea
20$ one of his family has a disorder like autism or down syndrome
20$ his father or mother are alcoholic / do drugs (weed doesnt count, unless their iqs are less than 80, because weed is a drug to stupid people)
who gots cash who wants to set up the account