The ones we do are the ones you don't have to have proof of purchase to be a part of. Most of them will have both PoP and non PoP amounts. For the sake of conversation you could get up $100 with PoP but only $50 without. Stuff like that. Some are just straight across the board no PoP and some you can't do at all without PoP. When filling and submitting them it's under the penalty of perjury if they were to find out someone is signing up fraudulently. The thing is you are saying you have no PoP (and don't need any) so it's not like they are going to take you to court over something you are already saying you have no proof of lol. Usually if they think something is up, for whatever reason, they will then send you a letter saying they are now requiring some sort of PoP to process your claim. I've gotten one through all of these and that's it. I've also been just flat out denied once but I looked into it and it looks like everyone who filed a claim got denied so I don't know what was up with that really lol It was for some sort of tea being misleading or something.