damn son, it's that bad?
Is this game even worth coppin? I'm gonna wait til it's $20 bucks before I buy it then
IDK i kept the game after my rant after all lol. I deleted everything last night, my game saves, the update/patch, all that shit and re-installed it all. I started from scratch. I dont see anymore freezing in any fights anymore (offline). And thats with the Jab trophy that caused it all. IDK how to delete trophies.
The biggest difference that i notice with "update 1.01" is the stamina drain. Which i can work with. Its not that bad. But I counter a lot so im not swingin for the fences often.
I also bought HW Legends Pack w/ Bare Knuckle Boxing and its pretty fun. I never buy DLC because i think those belong in the game to begin with but i figured fuck it, i had some extra money to throw away lol. All those heavyweight boxers who didnt sign on for it are NOT in the ps3 version.Offline anyway. No tyson, no ali, so im bummed about that.
With so many people dealing with freezes though, and the majority of them using CABS in Legacy Mode preventing them from moving forward in Legacy (im one of them), i say you wait it out until EA gets their head out of their ass and stops using gamers as testers for their dumbass patches.
I play strictly offline for now.