I dont know the name of this one, but we will just call it "name brands."
You need at least 6 people to have fun with it though. Alright, you start by designating a person to start the game, this person picks an object..for example, if we were playing, i'd start with "condoms." Since I picked it I go first by sayin a name brand condom, ok, so I'd say "Trojans." It goes clockwise to the next person who would give a name brand condom.."durex." You have 5 seconds when it gets to you and it goes around the circle until somebody cannot think of a name brand condom. Then it goes clockwise to the next person to pick a different object, whatever they want, and it continues in the same fashion, only the drink count goes up each time, so the second round that somebody cant think of a name brand they take two drinks, third round-3 drinks, and so on and so forth til everybodys fucked up.
Another one is P&A, I don't remember all the rules, but each numbered card and face card in a card deck represents somethin..for example, jack is the thumbmaster, so the person who draws a jack first, can lay their thumb on the table and everybody else has to do the same, the last one to put their thumb on the table has to drink, or say the queen is the rule card, and if you draw a queen you can make a rule up, like, "no cussing", and for each cuss word you say, you have to drink. You can pretty much make up your own shit in presidents and assholes.