Fat steve was a scrap from the 209. Damn if that aint a hard ass acusation. I mean thats like givin a foo a snitch jacket.
I rember fools try to say Sir Dyno was a scrap. I mean that shit is just laughable.
But if FAT STEVE really got a deal with Sony, so the fuck what if he gets pissed off, He is a homeboy with a major record deal and I feel everyone in Northern Cali should support his ass regardless of his beef with the legendery Woodie! A homeboy makin it big is a homeboy makin it big, pavin the way so more Homeboys can get a major record deal as well. So yeah im support Fat Steve and ima but his sony realsed album. And as far as being a video whore, that fool is just tryin to get his face out there, and u know what, it worked!!
But if Fat Steve is lying and actully didnt get a record deal, Well thats some bullshit and he should drop out the game!! But if he tellin the truth then I got his back.
Hatin ass nigguahz.
PLayers neva hate, Haters never win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!