fallout 4

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Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

I don't care how much content there is this game (at this moment) runs like ass and looks like a game from ten years ago. Lol holy shit those textures look extremely extremely bad, really bad. And a 60FPS cap? Bugs at 110+ fps? For real? It's obvious it's been brought down to Nintendo64 levels so the game will run on these shitty junk "Next-generation" consoles. Game is a very hard pass right now. I'm running a gtx970 so i should get full 1080p with 60fps but with all these bugged out skyrim animations and Nintendo64 textures, lol fuck no they got us fucked up. If they don't drop a high definition texture pack within the month im not buying this shit. I'll wait til the game of the year / ultimate edition.

Bethesda charm has worn off... And im not affected by this hype. This game is broken and once again fucking console peasants are to blame. Lol @ the game constantly dropping down to ZERO yes you read that right 0 FPS on consoles


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA

lol this guy goes in on Bethesda.... I trust his review way more than any of the paid endorsements from IGN and GameSpot and all those awful sites that receive cash for positive reviews. He was actually fired from GameSpot for giving a low review score to a game that bribing GameSpot for a good review, so you can bank on getting the honest truth
May 13, 2002

I don't care how much content there is this game (at this moment) runs like ass and looks like a game from ten years ago. Lol holy shit those textures look extremely extremely bad, really bad. And a 60FPS cap? Bugs at 110+ fps? For real? It's obvious it's been brought down to Nintendo64 levels so the game will run on these shitty junk "Next-generation" consoles. Game is a very hard pass right now. I'm running a gtx970 so i should get full 1080p with 60fps but with all these bugged out skyrim animations and Nintendo64 textures, lol fuck no they got us fucked up. If they don't drop a high definition texture pack within the month im not buying this shit. I'll wait til the game of the year / ultimate edition.

Bethesda charm has worn off... And im not affected by this hype. This game is broken and once again fucking console peasants are to blame. Lol @ the game constantly dropping down to ZERO yes you read that right 0 FPS on consoles
Were those reviews on the ps4 played with the day one patch that came out today? Yeah if you're that worried about it just wait for more patches and the countless mods that will be dropping daily and you should be fine. I figured you knew going in they made this game on their outdated engine and graphically would be well behind games like Witcher 3, plus their notorious bugs, per every game they've ever made. Everything I've read so far was fully expected lol

I'm lucky in that I just started playing FO games some months ago which the graphics seem 10 years old so FO4 just seems like an improved sequel, which it is really. NV crashed Damn near every 20 minutes but I managed. I also don't have an updated gaming PC so none of that PC Master race with ultra max settings where I expect every game to run flawlessly applies to me. You can tell they designed it for consoles based on the interface, like when u open the pip boy some buttons are so tiny to click with your mouse it was clearly designed for console controllers.
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May 13, 2002
Leet PC master race players don't click, we keybind. Filthy casuals/noobs click.
Same thing, there are things you'd expect to have key commands that don't, the scroll wheel does nothing in the pip boy, etc. I'm going off reviews that are saying it was clearly designed for consoles and the interface is bad on PCs in some regards.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
Were those reviews on the ps4 played with the day one patch that came out today? Yeah if you're that worried about it just wait for more patches and the countless mods that will be dropping daily and you should be fine. I figured you knew going in they made this game on their outdated engine and graphically would be well behind games like Witcher 3, plus their notorious bugs, per every game they've ever made. Everything I've read so far was fully expected lol

I'm lucky in that I just started playing FO games some months ago which the graphics seem 10 years old so FO4 just seems like an improved sequel, which it is really. NV crashed Damn near every 20 minutes but I managed. I also don't have an updated gaming PC so none of that PC Master race with ultra max settings where I expect every game to run flawlessly applies to me. You can tell they designed it for consoles based on the interface, like when u open the pip boy some buttons are so tiny to click with your mouse it was clearly designed for console controllers.
i dunno... i kinda like what dude said like about 15 mins in, he was kinda self reflecting like "is it just me? are my standards too high and i expect the impossible from developers or whats going on?" type of deal. I just think gaming is pretty shit nowadays, and we can't keep giving companies like Bethesda a free pass just because of blatant and rampant fan-boy'ism. releasing an unfinished game and expecting the community to fix it with their own hard work (mods) should never, ever become the accepted standard. i love the fallout series and have played those games probably more than any games, so its hard to not download that shit right this moment.... but im taking a stand this time around, until they optimize this game on the PC, and until they bring this game into 2015 with some HD textures and fix their broken animations, theyre not getting a dime from me
May 13, 2002
i dunno... i kinda like what dude said like about 15 mins in, he was kinda self reflecting like "is it just me? are my standards too high and i expect the impossible from developers or whats going on?" type of deal. I just think gaming is pretty shit nowadays, and we can't keep giving companies like Bethesda a free pass just because of blatant and rampant fan-boy'ism. releasing an unfinished game and expecting the community to fix it with their own hard work (mods) should never, ever become the accepted standard. i love the fallout series and have played those games probably more than any games, so its hard to not download that shit right this moment.... but im taking a stand this time around, until they optimize this game on the PC, and until they bring this game into 2015 with some HD textures and fix their broken animations, theyre not getting a dime from me
this sounds more of a rant against the industry than one particular game. I guess it boils down to how serious all this is to you. If having some technical issues and graphics that aren't up to par with absolutely phenomenal games like Witcher 3 is a deal breaker, then yeah I guess don't play it. For me, I just want to play Fallout man. I loved 3 and NV so having a newer version of those games is all I want. TBH they could have released 4 on the same outdated engine that 3 was built on and I'd play it. But I haven't waited 6-7 years like you probably have so I could imagine if I waited that long my expectations could have been built up so much that any shortcomings could be a big disappointment.
Props: BUTCHER 206
May 13, 2002
lol you really think that is gonna stop him he has been banned like 10 times he prolly already has backup account he is cock guzzler i have images turned off and read what heresy posted
I had him on ignore but my eyes read what hersey quoted.

Of course he'll try to come back, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be banned though. This guy has been banned for racist comments, race baiting, being an annoying twat, etc. Just because he creates a new account doesn't mean he should simply be accepted.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
this sounds more of a rant against the industry than one particular game. I guess it boils down to how serious all this is to you. If having some technical issues and graphics that aren't up to par with absolutely phenomenal games like Witcher 3 is a deal breaker, then yeah I guess don't play it. For me, I just want to play Fallout man. I loved 3 and NV so having a newer version of those games is all I want. TBH they could have released 4 on the same outdated engine that 3 was built on and I'd play it. But I haven't waited 6-7 years like you probably have so I could imagine if I waited that long my expectations could have been built up so much that any shortcomings could be a big disappointment.
Pretty much... the long wait and the same shortcomings that skyrim, and fallout new vegas and fallout 3 had, is just too much coupled with an industry standard that's getting lower and lower and lower. You know the PC version of fallout 4 only comes with 5gb on the disc... then you have to download the other 13gigs? Dude... that's a slap in the face lol. What's the point of buying physical games then? Not as bad as Metal Gear Solid 5 coming with a single disc, with only the Steam application installer on it and no actual game. So you're right it's kind of a more personal thing with me; you put together this awesome gaming rig then you basically gotta play PS3 quality games, with unavoidable digital rights management, it's pretty offensive.

CD Projekt Rekt though... much love. Game came with 4 discs, the original soundtrack, a full size map, a full size booklet with history and shit in it, and some other stuff too I think it came with a keychain all this otehr shit. Buying that physical copy brought me back to the glory days of gaming... I guess i was just stupid to expect things were going to start getting better lol
May 13, 2002
Pretty much... the long wait and the same shortcomings that skyrim, and fallout new vegas and fallout 3 had, is just too much coupled with an industry standard that's getting lower and lower and lower. You know the PC version of fallout 4 only comes with 5gb on the disc... then you have to download the other 13gigs? Dude... that's a slap in the face lol. What's the point of buying physical games then? Not as bad as Metal Gear Solid 5 coming with a single disc, with only the Steam application installer on it and no actual game. So you're right it's kind of a more personal thing with me; you put together this awesome gaming rig then you basically gotta play PS3 quality games, with unavoidable digital rights management, it's pretty offensive.

CD Projekt Rekt though... much love. Game came with 4 discs, the original soundtrack, a full size map, a full size booklet with history and shit in it, and some other stuff too I think it came with a keychain all this otehr shit. Buying that physical copy brought me back to the glory days of gaming... I guess i was just stupid to expect things were going to start getting better lol
More money on consoles vs PCs I reckon, so most of these big AAA games are focusing on consoles naturally. But on the flipside there are most definitely games you can only play on PCs and the mods are incredible, something you can never experience on consoles. So there's pro's and con's to it all. A lot of this big games don't even make a PC game and if they do its often delayed, like GTA5 came out a year after it's release. Plus, with fallout 3 and NV, you weren't playing the vanilla games anyways right? So isn't it the same thing here, you want to play with a bunch of enhancements that your PC allows that consoles can't (both because of hardware and no modding ability).


Apr 25, 2002
I had him on ignore but my eyes read what hersey quoted.

Of course he'll try to come back, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be banned though. This guy has been banned for racist comments, race baiting, being an annoying twat, etc. Just because he creates a new account doesn't mean he should simply be accepted.
lol you really think that is gonna stop him he has been banned like 10 times he prolly already has backup account he is cock guzzler i have images turned off and read what heresy posted
And my bad ya'll. I quoted him and was asking if Trump actually said that and didn't really think about the fact the image would also be quoted until later.