Fallout 3

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Mar 1, 2006
Its only certain people that will follow you like that bitch in the Citadel were the Brotherhood stays will follow you only if you are square/Great Humanitarian, same with the Super Mutant Fawkes, you can't be neutral or bad. I think the guy that will follow you if your all bad is in Megaton in that bar on the top, you just gotta talk to him a certain way then you get coo with him and thats when you ask him to wreck hell like his old days and I think he joins you, I havent tried it but im sure thats what happens because the option to ask him to join you comes up, my guy was neutral at the time and it didn't work. There is this robot disguised as a human and his name is Harkness, think you can get him to join you too.
Feb 14, 2006
I think the guy that will follow you if your all bad is in Megaton in that bar on the top, you just gotta talk to him a certain way then you get coo with him and thats when you ask him to wreck hell like his old days and I think he joins you, I havent tried it but im sure thats what happens because the option to ask him to join you comes up, my guy was neutral at the time and it didn't work.
You also need to pay him 1000 caps for weapons when he agrees.
Jun 11, 2004
damn this game is hard the second time around with my good character whose all about speech and barter and shit. shoulda put more skill into the weapons cause dude can barely wander the wastes right now...way different than my first evil dude who turned out to be a fuckin walking tank.
Nov 7, 2002
Beat the game did most of the side missions took a long time but game is done I had last savior as my karma and I think it had a better then I was expecting ending of the game as A lot of people said the ending was weak but there is a bunch of different endings so maybe the one I seen was just different. Game was hard as fuck cuz I didnt just kill and take anything I wanted so had to find or buy everything took longer. Did most of the side mission game is long as hell I think I played it for over a month good game dont thing I will replay it though first time was long enough.
Mar 1, 2006
I just got the new issue of Xbox Magazine and they gave the game of the year award to Fallout 3 props to the folks that played this one of a kind game, I knew it was going to come out on top, the innovation and long ass time it took to make this game should of been enough for it to receive the award.


Sicc OG
May 1, 2003
pretty much everybody gave it game of the year on xbox. gamespy,gametrailers,ign i think....its pretty unanimous.
Dec 3, 2005
i bought this game used at game crazy on friday, mainly cuz of word of mouth from friends and people on here. it sucked up 20 hours of my life the next three days. shit is dope in my opinion. the only thing i didnt like is that you couldnt go and play any of the side missions after you beat the main storyline. luckly i had a save game i could go back to and knock em out and explore the world more. great game though. and i just read in OXM today that there are releasing three sets of DLC, with one each month starting in january, which will be dope hopefully


Sicc OG
May 1, 2003
yeah,you go to alaska to attack a chinese army base. its before the events of the nuke,so everything is still intact. looks sick

new weapons,perks,outfits,pretty much everything


$$ Deep Pockets $$
Feb 6, 2003
A patch to fix quite a number of bugs in Fallout 3 hits all versions of the role-playing game today, Bethesda says.

The update is available for the English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish versions. The patch will also be required to play the downloadable content, Operation: Anchorage, coming to the Xbox 360 and Games for Windows on Jan. 27. Now for those fixes. Here's the short list:

Bug Fixes
Friends notification no longer causes the game to pause. (Playstation 3)

Fixed occasional crashes during loading and waiting.

Friendly or neutral NPC health bars, when taking damage, no longer flicker repeatedly.

Fixed issue where certain NPCs would occasionally disappear from the game.

Fixed issue where dead NPCs would occasionally come back to life.

Fixed rendering issue with the Gatling Laser gun's tracers.

Fixed issue where the haircut menu would occasionally not appear properly.

Added ability to remap your VATS and pip boy buttons.

Fixed rare load/save issues that would cause NPCs to behave incorrectly.

Fixed issue where quest objectives would occasionally not update properly due to talking activators,
intercoms and conversations.

Using Radaway from the Pip-Boy's Status Menu repeatedly no longer crashes the game.

Player no longer gets stuck in level up menu if their skills are maxed out.

Fixed issue where multiple followers would occasionally not load into an interior.

Fixed rare issue with getting stuck in VATS mode.

Fixed rare crash with fighting NPCs with corrupted data.

In game radios will now play properly if player was listening to the radio in the Pip-Boy first. (Playstation 3)

Fixed rare crashes while loading and saving games.

Fixed rare issue where player would fall through the floor while in VATS.

Fixed occasional crash after scoring a critical hit in the head with a Railway Rifle.

Prevent NPCs from inadvertently dying from falling.

Fixed occasional issue where the controller would stop working properly.

Fixed crashes related to repeatedly equipping and dropping clothing and armor into the world.

Quest Fixes
Fixed several instances where quest item stayed in inventory permanently after completing quests.

Fixed an issue where the distress message would occasionally not play in Trouble on the Homefront.

In The Waters of Life quest, the Citadel gate will open properly if the player fast travels away after exiting the Taft Tunnels but before reaching the Citadel gate with Doctor Li.

For the Home Sweet Home quest, the broken protectrons in Big Town become active at the proper time.

In The American Dream quest, fixed specific issue which prevented the player from accessing their belongings in the locker by the door if they left the room first.

Fixed infinite caps exploit in Strictly Business quest.

Fixed rare instance where Dad would have no valid dialogue during The Waters of Life quest.

Prevent issue during the Finding the Garden of Eden quest where player would fade to black, instead of traveling to Raven Rock, while in combat with a follower.

Fixed several XP speech exploits with certain NPCs.

Fixed XP exploit with a robot in Fort Bannister.

Fixed issue where player's controls can become locked permanently during The American Dream.
Dec 3, 2005
I was reading in the Official Xbox magazine there is going to be a new story line for after the main story line too. I still haven't finished exploring everything though, hopefully finish before the new DLC shit comes out
did you read the page before you? thats exactly what we were talking about

and thanks for all that info MTT