btw, is the white house suppose to be in teh game? i was roamin that penn station area, around the capital, on every side, and didn't see any more markers for shit i hadn't found....
taken from
The White House in Washington, DC used to be the official residence of the President of the United States. The White House apparently sustained a direct hit when the bombs fell. After the Great War, all that is left in its place is a giant, highly radioactive crater.

Location It can be difficult to find the location of the White House. The way to get there is to exit the Penn. Ave Northwest station in Pennsylvania Avenue, go up the stairs, and proceed straight until you reach the building to the north. You will see a manhole cover on the sidewalk at the southwest corner of the building; this is called the Utility door.
(As you leave the Penn. Ave Northwest stairs headed for the manhole, look to your right at the first street and you should see a row of sandbags stacked up. Your results may vary, but it is possible to find there two Paladins and a Super Mutant, all dead, and some ammo boxes with EC Packs and a Gatling Laser on the ground to the right. Instead, there could be three live Brotherhood of Steel soldiers and a fire fight which kills some Super Mutants.
When you enter the Utility tunnel, there is a copy of Pugilism Illustrated, a Workbench, and an Ophthalmoscope in a side room to the right. To get to the White House, take the first left, follow the corridor, and you will eventually find a door to the left that opens onto the ruin-filled radioactive pit that the White House has become.
edit Radiation CautionsIf you go outside from the utility tunnel to the White House with out any resistors, the radiation and be up to 6-7 rad/sec but the best way to counter this is to have a Radiation Suit or a Advanced Radiation Suit and take some Rad-X , this will put your rads down to 1 and make it easy to the the Fat Man and the Mini Nuke's.
edit Notes The area is quite radioactive (4-6 rads/second), so take a Rad-X before going through the door out of the Utility tunnel marked "Door onto Pennsylvania Avenue". There will be two or more Glowing Ones (possibly also one or two Super Mutants), so be ready. At the top of the stairs in the White House ruins is a Fat Man, three Mini Nukes, and two units of Rad Away. The area is outdoors, so once you have the location and the loot, you can fast travel out to reduce your radiation exposure. The actual location on the Pipboy map (if you have the Explorer perk) is slightly outside of the range of the crater. Exploring with no clipping reveals that the actual location marked on the World Map contains unfinished landscape. No experience is rewarded for finding the location. edit Inconsistencies Though the location on Pennsylvania Avenue is true to the real Washington D.C., the White House is incorrectly placed on Fallout 3's world map. In Fallout 3's World Map, it is located close to the National Archives and the Capitol Building. In reality, it is directly north of the Washington Monument, a number of blocks west of where it is placed on the world map. In the gameworld, however, the Washington Monument is directly south of the White House, where it should be, but it doesn't match up with its location on the world map.
edit Appearances In the ruins of Washington D.C. in Fallout 3.
edit BugsIt is possible to escape the fallout map boundaries by jumping on certain walls wrecked walls.