Exxon Mobil Profit Jumps 36%

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May 13, 2002
Makes you feel all warm and fuzzy inside, doesn't it??


By Staff
Republished from the Associated Press
High gas prices fuel revenue.

DALLAS (AP)—Exxon Mobil Corp. said Thursday it earned $10.36 billion in the second quarter, the second largest quarterly profit ever recorded by a publicly traded U.S. company.

The earnings figure was 36 percent above the profit it reported a year ago. High oil prices helped boost the company’s revenue by 12 percent to a level just short of a quarterly record.

Exxon Mobil’s report comes a day after another large U.S. oil company, ConocoPhillips, said it earned more than $5 billion in the quarter and at a time when many drivers in the U.S. are paying $3 for a gallon of gas—increasing the likelihood of further political backlash in Washington.
[end excerpt]

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Dana Dane

RIP Vallejo Kid
May 3, 2002
Its a muthafuckin shame. They need to let everyone fill up for free for a 7 day time frame, and they would STILL have a ridiculous amount of profits.


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • V


^^^ jus coz its a business n everybody is in business to make profit, it does not justify them charging ppl 4 dollars a gallon so they can make billions...i mean i understand the supply and demand but fuck these foos take most of peoples checks...fuck that shit....


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
  • Ry


Da6Footah said:
I just don't understand how they can justify havin gas be so damn expensive, and they are rakin in the dough.

Its because oil is a commodity and is priced according to what the market price is, like gold, silver or pork bellies. Right now oil companies are extracting A LOT of oil because the price is so high. Where I live oil is the #1 business, and the amount of money being thrown around here is rediculous. Alberta actually has positive cash flow there is no debt, and they just mailed every person that lives here $400 because they are making so much money...


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
If everyone is so mad.....STOP FUCKING BUYING GAS. Tell everyone you know to stop buying it. Tell them to stop driving. The ONLY WAY THIS SHIT WILL GO DOWN.....is if there is NO DEMAND. It's that FUCKING SIMPLE. If you want the price to go down, stop buying it, they will have NO choice but to lower prices because if people got a brain, and stopped buying it for just 1-2 days, there would be NO DEMAND.

Supply and demand. They have it, people will pay ANYTHING for it because they are fucking pathetic. I hear gas is supposed to reach $4-5 by labor day...and I sure as fuck will NOT be buying gas.
May 12, 2002
haha then you'd have to rely on public transport. (ponders upon this for a bit). ROFLLOLOLOLOLOL.

If public transport was aight you might be able to pull it off (but you'd prolly get fired from your job for being late). Though, if this boycot was on such a large scale, you wouldn't get sacked, cause even the boss would be doin that shit!

it would be nice if a boycot could be staged. It's possible. As long as your boss is doing it too. Then you wont get fired if shit fucks up.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
SHEA said:
so, you walk, or take a bus?

I sure as fuck aint tellin my next date to meet me @ the bus stop.
Am I sittin here bitching about gas? No. I just got 10 gallons earlier. Although, I have been looking into getting a bike because I really don't even like driving my car much anymore. And when I'm in school, I walk every day and drive 1-3 times per week.

I was just trying to break down the situation. They have gas, they know people want it, they jack up prices, people buy it, they keep prices high. Or...They have gas, they know people want it, they jack up prices, and people dont' buy it because they got a brain real quick, and prices go down because nobody is buying the shit.
Apr 26, 2002
Da6Footah said:
I just don't understand how they can justify havin gas be so damn expensive, and they are rakin in the dough.
from what i THINK i undestand is, the oil companys say they need tha huge profits to build new refineries. so to them and tha govt, it justifies it. fold.
May 1, 2003
Current gas and oil prices here:


One barrel of crude oil, when refined, produces about 20 gallons of finished motor gasoline, and 7 gallons of diesel, as well as other petroleum products. Most of the petroleum products are used to produce energy. For instance, many people across the United States use propane to heat their homes and fuel their cars. Other products made from petroleum include: ink, crayons, bubble gum, dishwashing liquids, deodorant, eyeglasses, records, tires, ammonia, and heart valves.
A barrel of Oil right now is 74.60 http://www.bloomberg.com/energy/
Gasoline- 19.6* $3.25/gal.( at least in Dago)= $63.70
Diesel- 10*$3.10/gal = $31.00
Jet Fuel- 4*$2.19= $8.76 http://www.eia.doe.gov/pub/oil_gas/...troleum_status_report/current/pdf/table15.pdf
Heavy Fuel- 1.7* (guessing about $2.00/gal) = $3.40
Liquified Petroleum Gas(Propane, Heating oil) 1.7*$1.92=$3.27
Other products-(Vaseline,Motor Oil, Cooking oil(Just kidding) I'm guessing around $2.00 compared to the rest so. 7.6*$2.00= $15.20

Added all up they make roughly $125.00 off a $74.60 barrel of oil. A profit of $50.40 or (62.4% profit) from each barrell of oil a company may buy.

Keep in mind the "Big" companies buy and sell millions of barrels at at a time.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
SHEA said:
lmao...Sixxness....Im just giving you shit brother.

it sucks that gas is the price it is - but we gotta do what we gotta do.

We gotta boycott the FUCK out of it. It's unlikely with society the way it is, but it's the only thing that's going to fix this problem. Then there's 569,987 more problems to deal with.
Apr 26, 2002
SHEA said:
lmao...Sixxness....Im just giving you shit brother.

it sucks that gas is the price it is - but we gotta do what we gotta do.
lol. sixx does have a temper huh? but ur right sixx, that's how we resolved that crisis in the 80's, folx started boycotting tha shit, the demand got hella low, so the machines were forced to lower prices. fold.
Apr 26, 2002
SHEA said:
I cant get mad......I read most of the stuff he types, & my take is that he is super passionate about what he says, & truely believes it...thus, it can come off to some, as illwilled....but I know better. Cause my brother is just like that, & I been around him for 30 years now lol
lol. yeah, i think its funny. fold.