I'm going to go ahead and ASSUME that no one on the siccness is a mayor.
I think thats a pretty safe assumption. Wouldn't you?
To claim to know the status/credibility of anyone you have never met would be an assumption.
to assume that someone has said 'cred/status' when you DONT know them is an assumption in itself. I siimply said that the words of someone who posts annonymously on a message board doesn't hold the same weight as compared to the words of a former mayor.
If you truely disagree about that then your delusional and are grasping for straws to form an arguement simply for the sake of argueing.
The GOM forum used to be a lot more interesting when discussions weren't about the definition of common words. Just saying.
I agree... heres what ive learned from the 10+ years ive been on and off this forum.
from what I can tell, The GOTM forum 3 types of posters..
The 'i know big words but very little info' types, like 'Mr Nice Guy' who will fill there replies with big worded fluff in a vain attempt to obscure the fact that there expansive vocabulary is the actual limit of their intellectual prowess. Its like the guy who won't buy a hybrid if it looks like a regular car because they want people to know they bought a hybrid.
The 'I don't know what your talking about but agree with the guy above me' poster who doesn't read the thread, doesn't know enough about the facts but wants to appear to be an intellectual by agreeing with someone else in the thread for the simple act of appearing as if they are all knowing on the subject as well.
The 'I know big words but don't care types' like, heresy,2-0-sixx etc who are very intelligent and have a very large vocabulary and know there shit, but feel as if they don't have to show it off in every post and will respond occasionally with one or two words on a subject.