Heresy, Like I said before, you obviously do not understand the theory of evolution.
obviously you DONT understand. look at what plot is saying and look at what YOU are saying. you and plot dont even have teh same views on evolution. what he is saying is DIFFERENT from what you are saying. you also contradict yourself (i will show that later).
What does two seperate species combining into one have to do with evolution? evolution starts as one and branches out then those brances branches out like a tree. their have been cases when some animals that have branched out have moved closer to another tree and shared some qualities other species have. such as snakes who live in water and various other reptiles and amphibians. bottom line is its a big tree, and you cant just jump from a donkey branch to an elephant branch and combine them. it doesn't work that way.
i understand that its two seperate species. is a sponge and jellyfish two seperate species? YES. once again look at what plot is saying and what you are saying. no one is "combining" anything. if you were familiar with darwanism (obviously you are not) you would have views that are similar and coincide with plots. thats not the case.
now for the contradiction:
you cant just jump from a donkey branch to an elephant branch and combine them. it doesn't work that way.
now look at this:
No, lizards evolved from amphibians who evolved from fish.
you are going from FISH to FROG to LIZARD. thats not combining species and jumping from branch?????????
where is the fish thats still in the process of becomeing a frog? if you have one stage of the process complete (the fish has finally became a frog) why dont you have a stage thats ALMOST complete? so if the lizard did indeed come from a frog why dont you have lizard frogs? WHERE is the organism that is still changing?????? why dont you see frogs changing into lizards now? so all lizards come from frogs?????? LMAO!!!!!!! how can all those specied of lizards (moloch,monitor,iguana,gila and jesus lizard) come from (bull,arrow,tree) frogs???? which species of lizard came from which frog????? and from what species of fish did each frog come from?
if what you are saying is true we would have billions of fish coming out the water turning into frogs. according to you it DOESNT stop. so if it doesnt where is the animal that hasnt finished its process????? if the frog is the middle of the lizard and fish (didnt you say there was no middle?) why dont you have half lizard/frogs? according to you they come from the same thing.
so do all the frogs become lizards at one time or is it based on specific species? if one species is evolving before the other the later species should be at a certain stage in the process. where is this stage?
a butterfly starts as an egg,turns to a caterpiller,spins a cacoon,emerges as a butterfly ,mates and dies.
thats with ALL species of butterflies.
now compare that to
one cell organisms,turns to a fish,becomes a frog,becomes a lizard.
thats jumping from species to species and if thats correct(i cant stop stressing this) you would have something that is at the "ALMOST" frog or "ALMOST" lizard stage.
Because they already evolved into us. Shit, you can say a Gorilla is almost a human, we don't know. You can't just say at a present time what something will end up being.
so which species of monkey did man come from? can you answer this? why is it that ALL monkies didn't evolve? why is it that the spider monkey didnt evolved into BLACK people? why is it that the baboon didnt evolve into white people? why didnt the chimp become the asian man??????
if what you say is true all monkey species would be in some stage of evolvement and some would be RIGHT BEHIND HUMANS. some would be at the "neantherthal"(check spelling) stage. why dont we see that?????