Evil Spirit Terrorizes School

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Aug 8, 2003
New Era (Windhoek)

November 17, 2005
Posted to the web November 17, 2005

Emma Kakololo

A PARANORMAL figure, a poltergeist, allegedly resurfaced for the umpteenth time at Mumbwenge Combined School, five kilometres from Oshigambo in the Ohangwena Region, tormenting 40 learners.

The mysterious and extremely sinister image, as described by learners, carries a garden fork and it is with this fork that it presses them down to the ground trying to tie them up and to kill them.

The voices of children screaming could be heard in the background when New Era called the school principal, Helena Makili, amidst the unfolding drama yesterday afternoon after three o'clock.

"They are shouting, 'Satan leave our school, let us free, the whole school and our teachers, we want to learn,'" was Makili's reply to the journalist's query about the importunate noise in the background.

"This whole thing started on July 8, this year. The children say they see something approaching them, carrying a garden fork and rope trying to tie them up and the learners start beating back, shouting 'Satan leave us alone, we want to learn.' Some of the learners collapse and lie down motionless as if they are in a trance," she stated.

She said prayers from local church leaders are not helpful and appears to make the "beast" furious and powerful according to the principal.

"We called in pastors from Elcin Church, they came four times to our school to pray, and after that the situation has been growing and the number of children attacked by this beast has increased.

After that, we contacted the Universal Church in Oluno, they were here on Saturday, but the situation is still on."

Yesterday, Jesus Centre in Ondangwa was called in for prayer.

"They prayed and prayed and after the prayer, the children started shouting again, but some of them collapsed and they are lying on the ground as we speak. But we are more worried about those we sent home when the thing started - what might happen to them on their way home."

"What we are seeing here is children collapsing and shouting, 'Satan you are jealous of us we were sent here by our parents to study, why won't you leave us alone'," said a staggered Pastor Matthew Iyambo yesterday.

"According to my analysis, those who recovered say a human was tormenting them, pressing them down with a garden fork, kicking them. Some of them are praying, some swearing.

"One thing that I noticed is that they can hear us. One learner was wearing shoes and when the teacher asked her to remove them she did."

Iyambo suspects witchcraft at the school.

"We have just arrived at the school now but so far, I'm suspecting witch-craft."

My suggestion is that the education sector must reconsider Bible teaching at school.

When you reject God, then you are inviting Satan. There are only two kingdoms, God's and Satan's. The devil has seen a hole and now he is tormenting learners.

This only started after the rejection of Bible teaching at schools."

"She is just lying there calling her Lord Jesus Christ and crying," said a disheartened parent Taimi Eliaser, mother of Ndapandula Uyumba, a Grade 3 learner.

Eliaser is calling upon Government to go to the school together with the media and get the "oshiluli" (ghost) out of his hiding place and take pictures of it.

"We want to see where this thing is hiding and attacking our children. We want Government to assist us,' she said.
Aug 8, 2003
like?? jus curious.. lotta folx on GOM like too disprove thingz so expect at least some sort of justification no matter how far out there..
Dec 25, 2003
Could the fact that a vast majority of Africa believes in evil spirits and witchcraft have anything to do with this?

It's called group hysteria. I get scared when I watch scary movies. Same type of shit.
Aug 8, 2003
if 2 is a couple

and 3 is a crowd..

would 40 be considered merely a group?? lol.. i think out of 40 people there would be one person not buying it.. but hey.. who knoz
Nov 5, 2004
TROLL said:
like?? jus curious.. lotta folx on GOM like too disprove thingz so expect at least some sort of justification no matter how far out there..
I've seen a couple ghosts at various relatives' houses. Thankfully never at my house though.

Spirits and ghosts, shit like that, is almost impossible to get a non-believer to believe. I used to be a non-believer. Its something you literally gotta see for yourself to believe.
Dec 25, 2003
TROLL, you gotta think about group psychology. All it takes is one disturbed person to "see" it for others to see it as well. Post the links of schoolchildren in educated, atheist countries being terroriszed by spirits and I'll be more likely to believe this one.
Aug 8, 2003
uhm... name some predominately athiest countries for me...

i guess it takes an athiest too believe in something for u too believe in it also... im not saying this story is true or false...

if u believe only in what a specific group of people believe, then ur more gulibile then u make yourself out too be homie... im not knockin athiest's at all but me looking for a paranormal story comin from an athiest is like me searching the bible for a chapter telling me that witchcraft isnt from the devil... LOLL
May 13, 2002
I’m with White Devil. This is Africa people, the same place where they have Witch Doctors perform spells on their soccer players before a game. I’m not kidding – LINK the witch doctors are threatening to put a spell on the Ivory Coast because they were not paid for their “services” for when they won the Nations Cup.
Aug 20, 2004
I read somewhere that "spirits" or "ghosts" cant actually kill someone...but i dont know...

Ive seen/heard/witnessed alotta funky shit spirit wise in my life myself..and this sounds a lil far fetched....
Dec 25, 2003
This is true; most Africans identify as Christians.

I'll revise my statement and say that many Africans (especially those who tend to be more rural) often retain some vestiges and beliefs of former religions, to greater and lesser extents.

In many or most of the biographical and anthropological studies I've read, a large amount of Africans believe in evil spirits, curses, and witchcraft to a large extent, even while identifying primarily as Christians.