Let me say this, I use to absolutely hate Emmitt Smith, with that said he is the better overall rb over Barry Sanders and I would pick him on my team before Sanders for winning purposes. You don't just grade a player based off of one specific trait. You base a rb off vision, hands, blocking ability, ballprotection and all the duties one has to do in a game. Barry has the best vision and running i've ever seen but he lacks terribly in all other catagories and fumbled too often to be considered #1 of all time or put above Emmitt.
Like I said I use to hate Smith cause he use to kill my Redskins each year but that guy had a big heart. He would pretty much always step up in big games, not just regular season but playoffs (barry dissapeared in the few playoff appearances he was in)...yes Emmitt had help and thats why I wouldn't say he was the best all-time but a notch over Sanders.
Yes Sanders was the better and more exciting rb and would be good for a franchise for selling jerseys and marketing, or playing on a video game but people don't realize this same guy for every great play he made he was stuffed for losses or minimum gains greater times. He was a hit or miss rb (sorta like a homerun hitter in baseball) Lions was a decent team, however the defense was the one that always failed on them but Sanders wouldn't help by putting them in bad situations (3rd and loooong) too many times, for them to be more efficient offense and maintain possession to keep their defense off the field and fresh.
Emmitt - passion for the game was unmatched...
Barry - retired because lack of passion.
We all agree who's the better runner but which would you want on your team (if your really know your football).