That was like the 2nd cop killed in San Mateo county in the last 10 years. But do yall know how many cops have killed civilians in San Mateo county in the last 10 years. Im not sure but just last year i think they were 7 cases of cop killin the own community they are suppose to protect. Yall remember last year, its wasnt in san mateo county i forget where but it was in cali. The cops shot and killed , and this was the swat team, trained killers, they shot a 1 year old baby and the father with assult rifles like 20 times, Then they had the nerve to say that there was cocaine in the 1 year old baby, as to excuse the murder of a baby and his father. Man i was hoping for a riot after i herd that shit. The baby and father were Salvadorians. Man its hella sad when u think about it. I remember last year the cops killed a handy cap guy that was paralyzed from the waist down in san fran. How the fuck u explain puttin 12 bullets in him. of course he was black and from hunters point. Shits hella sad man and im 10 minutes from EPA. Happy new years everyone.