Ok kids.....emma has PMld me practically crying that we've all exposed her dumb groupie ass and has reported bout 15 posts from this thread for "sexual harrassment" lmao....says we're e-stalkin her
I got news for you honey....you did it to yourself by being an e-whore
Don't hate the game when the game plays you baby boo, you upset that we found you online identities and posted em up....
Well...hate to break it to you but you made all this info public by puttin it on the net...
So you fucked yaself you dumb ass groupie
We have groupies or ex groupies on here that carry themselves with respect and get respected...you came on here acting like a dumb naive ass groupie and you get treated this way
You don't like it do you?
Then leave.....
You don't HAVE to keep comin back.....but you do, cause your an attention whore
Wouldn't it be soooooo easy to never come back to the sicc and enjoy you "got vanilla" screennames in peace?
Its all public info that YOU posted for people to read....so why you got ya thong in a knot over it.....did we bust you out?
Get over it broad and stop cryin.....maybe you can go to migente.com....or raptallk or back to myspace cause over here you labeled a dumb ass groupie hoe....I mean....this is a gangsta rap message board.......the fuck did you expect
Bitch betta go register at backstreetboys.com if you was lookin for some ole cupcake shit, with yo snitchin ass...
But we can discuss it over lunch...meet me and we'l talk and discuss the matter from an intellectual standpoint and perhaps you can further clarify your reasonings and justfications for wanting this thread closed, and if you can provide me with clear and concise evidence supporting a closure than perhaps we can come to a compromise on the matter, I welcome you to meet with me on a real life basis and prove me wrong..until then
"The beatings shall continue......."
Now that we've opened pandoras box let see what other goodies can be found inside on lil miss emma....aka....got vanilla
Continue on my children.......