Emma or Jboeg

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Who should get the fuck out of here?

  • Jboeg should get his wannabe cop ass out of here

    Votes: 61 51.3%
  • Emma looks like a horse, bitch should get kicked in the ribs and Ride the fuck out of here

    Votes: 58 48.7%

  • Total voters
Apr 25, 2002
"Emma is so outta pocket"

This coming from mofuckas who 99% of the time can't think of shit interesting / original to say, couldnt put a sentence together worth shit with a dictionary and a English teacher, etc etc.

The thing to do is hate on emma. Someone started it, and yall keepin it goin cause you are all sheep. Most of this board, emma included, only joined because the "movement" led you to googling something that led you to Siccness.net. Whatever contribution she attempts to make is usually more than most of the highschoolers on this board.
haha..somebody is on a save emma campaign...your a simp(yea this IS relating to the thread from sistas side)

"..And now using my magical powers of fortune telling, I will predict the next couple reponses to my post. "Put your cape on captain! Hey captain, saved another one captain".
yea..a guilty conscious(sp) isnt hard to spot..just quit already
Feb 28, 2005
William206 said:
LOL.. I made this befor i went to work.. and I got the laughs I wanted.

Emma You look like a fucking horse.. And No Im not making fun of you becuase everyone else did or becuase Im bandwagon jumpin.. 80% of the threads you make are just lame and annoying. +I just dont fucking like you.You aint like the other females on this fourm and with other bitches that could be a good thing.. but you look like a horse..

Boeg I just don't understand the reason you are even on the siccness.. Do you even like Rap music? I think you are here just so people can clown on you.. so you get some kinda attention in your life from somewhere.

but thats just how i feel.. I'm sure Niggas some niggas on this site hate me.. but I could give less of a fuck..

You idiots show you care what people think of you by replying to every single bad thing said about you.which makes people say even more shit. And that kinda shit is just lame

i hope you typed this under the influence of something, at least then you'd have somewhat of an excuse. anyway, by making this thread, it shows you DO in fact give a fuck about me, or you wouldnt waste time making the thread. goodnight.
Aug 8, 2003
LOL.. a quote from sean connery
"not fond of the ladies are we?"

haah i dont really see anything wrong with emma. i seen her flick and she may not be no model type but she no where near a horse... J-boeg knows he's hated and yall love clowning him and is loving the attention yall bring to him..

so i guess its a win win for everyone cept emma...
Jun 4, 2004
this thread is getting extemely homo, you are making threads of 2 people you dont even know and seem to really care about, you basically brought more attention to them, giving them more fame
Aug 11, 2003
I was sleepy when i wrote that shit.. but i also could give a fuck.
You didnt anwser my questions Boeg.. and No I don't care about your or that bitch.. Its just somthing to pass the time
Feb 8, 2003
Whats wrong with Emma? From what I seen she didnt do nothing wrong to fuck with nobody. I guess alot of cats are mad bc she didnt show yall her tits or something. But I dont see the big deal she just post on here like anyone else does.

Duece Out!
Sep 11, 2005
i aint got nothin against the broad, but j-boegs startin to irritate with stupid ass fuckin threads...like you can tell that dood was nothin in high school an now hes gettin sum shine on a site so hes keepin it goin....j-boegs threads = me not enjoyin the siccness anymore....so i vote for boeg
Nov 21, 2005
supavillain said:
i aint got nothin against the broad, but j-boegs startin to irritate with stupid ass fuckin threads...like you can tell that dood was nothin in high school an now hes gettin sum shine on a site so hes keepin it goin....j-boegs threads = me not enjoyin the siccness anymore....so i vote for boeg
exactly! somebody ban J boeg...
no pigs allowed! lol
Jun 3, 2006
emma said:
i think there have been quite enough threads devoted to me thank you very much.
i am gonna make a thread about how much i love you and how bad i want to knock you up and leave you barefoot,broke and pregnant in berkeley-GET ON MY HYPHY!!!
Feb 28, 2005
supavillain said:
i aint got nothin against the broad, but j-boegs startin to irritate with stupid ass fuckin threads...like you can tell that dood was nothin in high school an now hes gettin sum shine on a site so hes keepin it goin....j-boegs threads = me not enjoyin the siccness anymore....so i vote for boeg

lol...people keep saying that but i was an all league athlete in 2 sports and had friends in every clique at my school...whatever though