well if those are true (all tha above stated) i'm glad ya'll white folx kno how it feels to be picced on because tha pigment of ur skin. by tha way, i had white people deny me jobs cuz i was blacc, i had white cops pull me over cuzz i'm blacc, i had whited folx turn locc they doors and turn on they alarms cuz i was blacc walkin next to they car, i had white folx watch me hella close thru a fuccin department store cuz i'm blacc. and u guys would be tha first ones to say, "it aint because ur blacc, u guys always say blacc this, or blacc that". well, it seems like u guys are doin tha same thing above, dr wuteva u r. she din't say shit about ur girl bein white, but u wanted to make it a blacc/ white issue. u jus "felt it in ur bones" din't u that she was piccin on ur girl cuz she was white. well i "felt it in my bones" too when i wuz denied a fuccin job, when i got pulled over, when i was watched, etc, because my skin color. u guys will NEVER understand wut it feels to be a minority in america. fold.