Post up your embarrassing stories. I'll start first.
I had just turned 16 but driving wasn't an option for me because I was dead broke. I didn't even have a license, but my homeboy already had his car. We were kickin back at this party and he was gettin pretty faded, but we wanted to go crusing lookin for girls, so he just told me to drive. We were like 5-6 deep in a 1990 Dodge Dynasty and all the sudden, it hit me. You know when you fart, or think you're going to anyways, and you realize that you got the big dog firehouse diarrhea dumps? Well, this was definitely the case for me.
I was driving, and I ripped a little one and knew I was in trouble. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Everytime I had to fart, I was clinchin my legs together so hard, and for some reason my foot would slam on the brakes as I was driving, slamming a bunch of drunk people to the front of the car (mind you, there were no beezies in this neighborhood at all) After like the 4th time this happened, they were all pissed and kept asking why I was doing that, but I never told them. I flew back to the house that the party was at. Run into the house and someone is coming out, I blasted an airbrush dump all over this toilet of some dudes house I didn't know. I didn't really crap myself I don't think, but close enough