Electoral Crisis in Mexico (big suprise)

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May 13, 2002
Eternal Designs said:
How come when the same electorial "abnormalities" happened here in the US the last two presidential elections the US citizens weren't out like the Mexican people? Goes to show who really wants free elections and who have already accepted their slavery.
Lack of leadership is a big part of it. If Gore in 2000 would have called for demonstrations, marches, rallies, etc., I bet you would have seen something similar.
2-0-Sixx said:
Lack of leadership is a big part of it. If Gore in 2000 would have called for demonstrations, marches, rallies, etc., I bet you would have seen something similar.
that's the problem right there. The US people shouldn't have to be told the elections was rigged go out and protest that shit. They should do it on their own after seeing the results.
May 13, 2002
Could get real interesting...

Obrador Urges Supporters To Occupy Mexico City

By CBC news
Republished from CBC News
Center-Leftist Sights Fraud In Tight Loss

The leftist candidate who has blamed fraud for his narrow defeat in Mexico’s presidential election asked his supporters on Sunday to occupy Mexico City to demand a recount.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador addressed hundreds of thousands of supporters at a rally in the capital. Obrador, 52, called on supporters of his Democratic Revolution Party to occupy Zocalo square and the main roads in the city core.

He said the occupation would continue until the top electoral court orders a vote-by-vote recount of the July 2 election.

Felipe Calderon, 43, and his National Action Party won 35.88 per cent of the 41 million votes cast, defeating Obrador by less than 0.6 per cent — a difference of roughly 220,000 votes.

Obrador, the former mayor of Mexico City, blamed his loss on fraudulent vote counting. Calderon has insisted the election proceedings were clean.

Calderon was expected to argue his case on Sunday before the electoral court. Its judges must decide by Aug. 31 whether to dismiss Obrador’s case, order a partial or full recount, or annul the vote and call for another election.

The court must declare the president-elect by Sept. 6.

[end excerpt]
Click here to read the rest of the article
Apr 25, 2002
What's faulty is they have until Aug 31st to decide on a re-count, but a president has to be named by Sept 6th.

Gives them a lot of time to do a complete and thorough job on a re-count doesn't it?


Apr 25, 2002
IMHO, three to four weeks would be enough time to properly re-count the votes (because they would be re-counted and checked several times for consistency.)

But think about it? How long were the elctiosn held? One day? How long did it take them to initially count the ballots? two days? Four days?
May 13, 2002

The left-wing candidate in Mexico's disputed election, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, and his backers are occupying the capital's main square and avenues.

Mr Lopez Obrador on Sunday called on his adherents to paralyse Mexico City until every vote was recounted.


Thousands of people are reported to have set up camp overnight in the historic Zocalo plaza and the Reforma boulevard, blocking traffic on one of the capital's main roads.

While some set up tents and cots in preparation for a chilly night, others made do with strips of cardboard and blankets - or said they would pass the night dancing and singing.

Some of the largest camping sites are reported to be located opposite the US Embassy, the stock market and the Polanco hotel zone.
May 13, 2002

Mr Lopez Obrador said he himself would be living in one of the dozens camping sites set up by his supporters. He said he would stay until the electoral tribunal gave its ruling on the recount he is demanding.

Local media say 1.5 million vehicles drive through the area daily, and there are fears the blockade will cause chaos in the city, which is home to some 20 million people.

Correspondents say police are unlikely to intervene, as Mexico City is governed by Mr Lopez Obrador's Democratic Revolution Party.

Jul 24, 2002
If Marcos would only throw his support for Obrador.
And if Obrador would only seek out Marcos....

Under that kind of pressure you know there would be a recount.
If not then this would trigger a revolution that has been brewing in Mexico for decades.
Count me in....
May 13, 2002
^^I don't know what Marcos has been up to. Last I remember is that there was some kind of "Red Alert" issued after an altercation with the authorities and some farmers and since then Marcos supposedly went to Mexico city to protest the imprisoned farmers. Haven't heard anything from him since.

Plus Marcos does not sponsor Obrador, says he's not a true revolutionary (which I agree with) and actually called for a boycott on the elections.

I would think now with the recent developments he needs to come out and support a recount or even a more radical approach. He doesn't need to endorse Obrador, he just needs to be present and in the public eye, or else he may face the possibility of becoming irrelevant.
Jul 7, 2002
miggidy said:
If Marcos would only throw his support for Obrador.
And if Obrador would only seek out Marcos....

Under that kind of pressure you know there would be a recount.
If not then this would trigger a revolution that has been brewing in Mexico for decades.
Count me in....
obrador can pull the recount on this own, half the country voted for him and recent polls show that almost half the country supports a recount.

Obrador has not condemned the police brutality that happen in Atenco in early May. Nor has he said anything about the 27 political prisoners that were arrested during that ordeal. And you wonder why Marcos and the "other campaign" doesnt openly support Obrador and his party.
May 13, 2002
^^Good point.

From yesterday:

Supporters of Mexico's leftist presidential candidate brought rush-hour traffic to a crawl Monday, causing the stock market to drop and forcing office workers dressed in business suits and high heels to hike for miles to work.

Supporters of the Mexican left-wing presidential candidate Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador pitched tents in the middle of Mexico City's Reforma boulevard, blocking traffic.

Thousands of people are taking part in the protests, after Mr Lopez Obrador called on his supporters to paralyse the capital.

The blockades demonstrate the former mayor can mobilise thousands to support him.

Mr Lopez Obrador joined his supporters, sleeping in a tent overnight. He said the protest was not easy, but was "essential for our cause".