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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Same here. It's un-fucking-believable that in "liberal" WA we are forced to pick between two parties. FASCISM

I saw that shit when I got my absentee ballot. I didn't vote because of it, but I did vote for judges because they're non-partisan.

I'd vote for an independent, green, or something else ANY DAY over a fucking Democrat. I'd rather have a Republican in office then a fucking vagina bitch made Democrat. The Republicans actually do what they say, sometimes...Democrats just say they'll do it, but they're too big of vaginas to make any real difference.

They should ALL be sterilized.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
How about that FUCKING MORON in Connecticut...He won with a campaign by saying "I'll bring our troops home from Iraq." Whoever voted for him should be sterilized.
Feb 2, 2006
we need constitution changed so clinton can run for another term
bill clinton sex scandals > george bush family tree


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Clinton was just as bad, the only difference is the media liked him until he got his dick sucked.

I mean, he did bomb Kosavo (sp?) and most of the people I talk to, have NEVER heard about this.

The only person that SHOULD be President, is someone that doesn't want to do it. The only people who want to do it, are people who want to change things to THEIR liking. None of the last 5+ Presidents gave a shit about the people, I mean really gave a shit. They can tell you they care and if you believe them, it's your own downfall.

I'd be a better god damn president than George Bush. Then again, it's not like he really makes any real decisions anyway...besides attacking Iraq when they have been proven to NOT be linked to Al-Queda...
Feb 24, 2006
didn't john kerry, george bush Sr. & W., howard dean, Bill Clinton, and joe leiberman all go to Yale? Thats the school where the skull & bones secret society is heald and kerry and bush admitted their both in it. George Bush sr. was in it too. if that shits true i say fuck voting for all them puppets they're all the same. idk anybody else read anything about this?
Feb 24, 2006
All U.S. presidents since 1989 have been Yale graduates, namely George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton (who attended the University's Law School along with his wife, New York Senator Hillary Clinton), and George W. Bush. Many of the 2004 presidential candidates attended Yale: Bush, VP candidate Dick Cheney, John Kerry, Howard Dean, and Joe Lieberman.

Other Yale-educated presidents were William Howard Taft (B.A.) and Gerald Ford (LL.B). Alumni also include several Supreme Court justices, such as current Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.

More famous alumni are noted in the List of Yale University people, including Nobel Laureates, politicians, artists, athletes, activists, and numerous others who have led notable lives.

from wikpedia
Aug 8, 2003
The woman who would be speaker says, "Impeachment is off the table"

How does Rep. Nancy Pelosi, who may become Speaker of the House of Representatives if the Democrats win control on Nov. 7, propose the US regain any standing in the world, much less any honor, if George W. Bush and his whole administration are allowed to skate on their criminality?

Yet, when CBS's Leslie Stahl on Sunday's 60 Minutes brought up the subject of impeachment, Pelosi said, "No, impeachment is off the table."

"And that's a pledge?" Stahl asked.

"Well, it's a pledge in the -- yes, I mean, it's a pledge. Of course it is. It is a waste of time," Pelosi replied.

"Wouldn't they just love it, if we came in and our record as Democrats coming forth in 12 years, is to talk about George Bush and Dick Cheney? This election is about them. This is a referendum on them," Pelosi said. "Making them lame ducks is good enough for me."

The worst criminals to ever occupy the White House and Pelosi says it's a waste of time to prosecute them? That she's content to "making them lame ducks?"

Was Pelosi merely spewing campaign rhetoric or doesn't she grasp that the Military Commissions Act of 2006 makes Congress and the courts irrelevant, and that George W. Bush is now how the power to declare himself dictator? Does she think he was kidding when he thrice said (Governing Magazine, July 1998, CNN, Dec. 18, 2000 and Business Week, July 30, 2001), "If this were a dictatorship, it'd be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."

If there is to be any hope for this country, Bush, Cheney and the lot of them must be impeached and, if the Democrats regain control of both houses, impeachment proceedings must begin on Jan. 4, 2007. Merely calling them "immoral" and "corrupt" and saying they were running a criminal enterprise, as she has done, isn't good enough.

What message would that send to the children? That lying, cheating, murdering, ignoring treaties, breaking law after law, overthrowing the US Constitution and waging illegal wars are just fine? What would that tell the world? That we truly are an immoral, depraved, evil people who will commit heinous acts on anyone, anytime, anywhere we please?

George W. Bush and his criminal gang have destroyed -- in our names, yet -- any vestiges of honor and decency we had left. Yet, Nancy Pelosi is saying that's okay; they need not pay for their crimes; we'll just make them lame ducks -- or so she thinks.
Does anyone still think the Democrats are better than the Republicans?