Eight month pregnant woman Tasered by police

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May 13, 2002
Refusing to sign a speeding ticket = getting tasered and wrestled from the vehicle?!?!? Jesus fucking christ what is wrong with the police....

Pregnant woman 'Tasered' by police is convicted


Tuesday, May 10, 2005

She was rushing her son to school. She was eight months pregnant. And she was about to get a speeding ticket she didn't think she deserved.

So when a Seattle police officer presented the ticket to Malaika Brooks, she refused to sign it. In the ensuing confrontation, she suffered burns from a police Taser, an electric stun device that delivers 50,000 volts.

"Probably the worst thing that ever happened to me," Brooks said, in describing that morning during her criminal trial last week on charges of refusing to obey an officer and resisting arrest.

She was found guilty of the first charge because she never signed the ticket, but the Seattle Municipal Court jury could not decide whether she resisted arrest, the reason the Taser was applied.

To her attorneys and critics of police use of Tasers, Brooks' case is an example of police overreaction.

"It's pretty extraordinary that they should have used a Taser in this case," said Lisa Daugaard, a public defender familiar with the case.


Seattle police officials declined to comment on this case, citing concerns that Brooks might file a civil lawsuit.


Brooks was stopped in the 8300 block of Beacon Avenue South, just outside the African American Academy, while dropping her son off for school.


Brooks, in her testimony, said she believed she could accept a ticket without signing for it, which she had done once before.

"I said, 'Well, I'll take the ticket, but I won't sign it,' " Brooks testified.

Officer Donald Jones joined Ornelas in trying to persuade Brooks to sign the ticket. They then called on their supervisor, Sgt. Steve Daman.

He authorized them to arrest her when she continued to refuse.

The officers testified they struggled to get Brooks out of her car but could not because she kept a grip on her steering wheel.

And that's when Jones brought out the Taser.

Brooks testified she didn't even know what it was when Jones showed it to her and pulled the trigger, allowing her to hear the crackle of 50,000 volts of electricity.

The officers testified that was meant as a final warning, as a way to demonstrate the device was painful and that Brooks should comply with their orders.

When she still did not exit her car, Jones applied the Taser.

In his testimony, the Taser officer said he pressed the prongs of the muzzle against Brooks' thigh to no effect. So he applied it twice to her exposed neck.

Afterward, he and the others testified, Ornelas pushed Brooks out of the car while Jones pulled.

She was taken to the ground, handcuffed and placed in a patrol car, the officers testified.

She told jurors the officer also used the device on her arm, and showed them a dark, brown burn to her thigh, a large, red welt on her arm and a lump on her neck, all marks she said came from the Taser application.

At the South Precinct, Seattle fire medics examined Brooks, confirmed she was pregnant and recommended she be evaluated at Harborview Medical Center.

Brooks said she was worried about the effect the trauma and the Taser might have on her baby, but she delivered a healthy girl Jan. 31.

Still, she said, she remains shocked that a simple traffic stop could result in her arrest.

"As police officers, they could have hurt me seriously. They could have hurt my unborn fetus," she said.

"All because of a traffic ticket. Is this what it's come down to?"


Read article in it's entirity HERE
Apr 1, 2002
I hate to say it but I'm ignorant when it comes to laws. Why did the officers need the signature for? And if she doesn't she gets arrested? Why did she REFUSE to sign the ticket?
May 13, 2002
Mean Mugg said:
I hate to say it but I'm ignorant when it comes to laws. Why did the officers need the signature for? And if she doesn't she gets arrested? Why did she REFUSE to sign the ticket?
I'm no lawyer, but from my understanding if you refuse to sign a speeding ticket the police do NOT have the right to arrest you. But again, I’m no lawyer.

The woman refused to sign the speeding ticket because she felt that 1) She was not speeding and 2) She thought she had the right to refuse to sign the ticket. (she claims she did it before and nothing happened).

Regardless if it is a law or not (which would be a pretty fucking stupid ass law) there is no justifiable reason to taser a 8 month pregnant woman. The police officer(s) should be fired and charged with assult.
Sep 28, 2004
Keep those dangerous pregnant women off the streets...

In all seriousness now.
Damn, that article was disturbing and sad.

"Confrontation"?? Confrontation is when a big, angry person gets OUT of their car and tries to strangle you, or punch you in the face. Not when a pregnant woman just doesn't want to sign a ticket or get out of her car.. Damn!
Jun 13, 2002
SOAK::GAME said:
she could've signed the ticket... and then fought it in court....
and it was totally unnecessary for the pigs to taser a pregnant woman.

so in conclusion, fuck the police, and fuck that pregnant bitch.

100% Agreed. No matter what you say you are going to get that ticket, there's no way to avoid it.
Jun 13, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
It doesnt matter if she didnt sign the ticket. You do NOT taser a pregrant woman, Period.

That was totally wrong and I'm not blaming her for getting tazered at all, but lets say you have a banana and a gorilla takes it. If you try to do what the gorilla doesn't want you're in for trouble no matter if its wrong. People know cops are shady and sometimes have the power to do fucked up things, so why try to provoke them?

She had 2 choices:
1. Sign the ticket get out real quick then fight it in court
2. Argue, get charged with resisting, cop does something fucked up and STILL get the ticket.

Pretty simple if you ask me.

Did she know he was going to do something as fucked up as that? No, but it only could get worse than just a ticket and she should've known that.
May 13, 2002
No matter how you say it you cant blame what happened on the woman. Did she make a bad decision by refusing to sign a ticket? In my eyes, NO, she didnt. As far as I know, it's not a crime to refuse to sign a speeding ticket.

We also have the right to say whatever we want to the police. We can say "fuck you" or "your wife is a slut" or whatever and they are SUPPOSED to be proffesionals and not abuse their powers.

I wouldnt say this woman was stupid or she should have known the police would fuck her up. Being that she was 8 months pregnant I'm sure she didnt even consider the possibility of being taserd.

I hope this cop dies a slow and painful death.
Jun 13, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Did she make a bad decision by refusing to sign a ticket? In my eyes, NO, she didnt. As far as I know, it's not a crime to refuse to sign a speeding ticket.
In my eyes she did make a bad decision and I'm not blaming her but to me that is a dumb decision. I already posted the two outcomes so need to repeat. To me its an easy choice.

2-0-Sixx said:
We also have the right to say whatever we want to the police. We can say "fuck you" or "your wife is a slut" or whatever and they are SUPPOSED to be proffesionals and not abuse their powers.
Thats what they're supposed to do, but we all know thats not always true.

There is no reason to blow up the situation. I just read from a few sites over half of the speeding tickets actually contested in court are dismissed.


RCW 7.80.160
(1) A person who fails to sign a notice of civil infraction is guilty of a misdemeanor.
May 15, 2002
She aint deserve the taser or any kinda physical force, but she did make something out of nothing. Like the other people in this thread stated, all she really had to do was sign the ticket and fight it in court.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
^^^ That's right.

Signing a ticket doesn't acknowledge you were speeding. Signing a ticket acknowledges that you were the one who got the ticket, and you are aware of your charges, without admitting guilt.
Feb 28, 2005
she resisted arrest... they didnt shoot her, they tased her...people keep bringing up the fact that shes pregnant, if she was strong enough to "grip the steering whell" then she must not have been to bad off...i dont see why people try to give cops so much shit, the guy was doing his job...if she wasnt SPEEDING and SIGNED the ticket and OBEYED the cops orders and got out of the car, it could have all been avoided
May 4, 2002
this all could have been avoided if she woulda just signed it... ive gotton many of tickets all u do is sign it and the cops walk away.... anyone got that recording of the 911 dispatcher, asking a mother if she would like the cops to be sent out to shoot her daughters?