1. Taping it after Smackdowns is a bad idea. half of what makes ECW so special is the atmosphere, and the crowd interaction. They cant expect to please an audience who paid to see a WWE event and is just staying to watch the after show.
2. They need to brand some new stars, or make the true ECW stars shine. Right now there putting focus on Angle, Big Show, and RVD who has been a WWE star for a while now. Thats not really letting them shine as its own brand.
3. If Sci Fi keeps influencing the show its gonna end up like the WWE of the mid 90s, with corny gimmicks.
I had hope in ECw after One Night Stand and all that went down the drain after last night show. It felt like Heat or WWE Raw Lite.
Some people say give it time, it was just the first show but I doubt much will be changed down the line. It didnt feel like Heyman was behind it.