2 thingz and im about to expoze your ass to tha board....
firzt thing, exposure....THA ADDY YOU GAVE ME WUZ FALSE PENDEJO. i wrote it down and hit tha Modesto Mall yezterday and i went to fynd your bytch ass afterward. when i couldnt fynd tha street i stopped and azked sum foolz if they knew where it wuz and they said IT DOEZNT EXIST. i put that on NORTE pussy i wuz there. you're a fake ass BYTCH! if thoze foolz were wrong and it doez exizt, itz my bad for not fynding it myself. but i made my attempt bytch. now come see me. you cant miss it and it aint hard to fynd!
2nd you've obviously never been to Gilroy. itz about 80% mexican and itz much bigger than Los Banos. itz one of tha neighboring citiez of San Jose, South Bay 408. fuckin idiot. and i didnt tell your faggot ass to go there, i told you to come HERE to Los Banos. i dont know any GANGZTERZ from LB and dont plan on getting to know any either. you're ryght, there aint many REAL NORTENOZ here, but that haz nothing to do with ME. im from tha South Bay, not tha valley. therez a HUGE difference in lyfestylez.
ENEwayz puto since you lyke to give out false addy'z and shyt, why dont you bring your faggot ass over here? you scared? ill tell you where to go....go to tha Ranchwood Park. itz across tha street from my house, juzt tell me when you'll be there cuz all i have to do iz step across tha street and dismantle you. PUTO.
firzt thing, exposure....THA ADDY YOU GAVE ME WUZ FALSE PENDEJO. i wrote it down and hit tha Modesto Mall yezterday and i went to fynd your bytch ass afterward. when i couldnt fynd tha street i stopped and azked sum foolz if they knew where it wuz and they said IT DOEZNT EXIST. i put that on NORTE pussy i wuz there. you're a fake ass BYTCH! if thoze foolz were wrong and it doez exizt, itz my bad for not fynding it myself. but i made my attempt bytch. now come see me. you cant miss it and it aint hard to fynd!
2nd you've obviously never been to Gilroy. itz about 80% mexican and itz much bigger than Los Banos. itz one of tha neighboring citiez of San Jose, South Bay 408. fuckin idiot. and i didnt tell your faggot ass to go there, i told you to come HERE to Los Banos. i dont know any GANGZTERZ from LB and dont plan on getting to know any either. you're ryght, there aint many REAL NORTENOZ here, but that haz nothing to do with ME. im from tha South Bay, not tha valley. therez a HUGE difference in lyfestylez.
ENEwayz puto since you lyke to give out false addy'z and shyt, why dont you bring your faggot ass over here? you scared? ill tell you where to go....go to tha Ranchwood Park. itz across tha street from my house, juzt tell me when you'll be there cuz all i have to do iz step across tha street and dismantle you. PUTO.