I set the expectation that it would be bad and I was right. It had a few funny moments but it could've been way better as Rossi said. I couldn't live with myself if I didn't watch it tonight
Just finished watching it.... Didnt go expecting this being as good as the first Dumb and Dumber but this wasnt too bad, some parts of the flick had the crowd rolling. The movie is a good rental thats for sure to get some stupid laughs out of it but not worth a full price of admission, maybe a matinee shot
yeah i think they made this movie way to late. some of the stuff was funny but some of it was lame. and it didnt help seeing that fat whale whore honey boo boos moms child molester loving ass in the movie lol it was very hit and miss with this move. i would give it a 3/10
It was a lot better than I expected. I went thinking it was gonna suck and it actually had some really funny parts. Id give it like 7/10. But I like stupid ass movies. I even liked dumb and dumberer the shitty prequel tho.
Saw it monday night, the nostalgia alone made it worth it, but it was funny. I laughed hysterically at some parts between sips of my Budweiser tallboy. Its stupid comedy, but what do you expect? Lol@ anyone thinking dumb and dumber would be sophisticated humor...