I gotta dui back in 2003, went with a public pretender lol bad choice, 2300+ in fines and on top 950 for dui classes i had to take, but duidnt and than ended up with a warrent, got picked up on a "routine stop" got arrested paid another 1250 fine and did 4 months in tha west for failure to comply, real talk man, it just depends on the judge and like homeboy said earlier your bac . mine was 0.16 so i was fucked either way and it was 4:30 in tha morning in laffayete. the only good thing that came out of it all was that the policeman did not impound my ride and let my homie drive it home, he blew a 0.04 and the cop still let him be off. So yeah man just depends. The judge I had was that dickhead in walnut creek whos daughter was killed by a drunk driver! Laffayete dont gotta court so all offences in laffayete are moved to walnut creek by default.