you're assuming that 1) there were a bunch of people there and
It was at the mall. Are you serious???
Everyone and their grandmother's have cell phones these days. Hell, little ass KIDS have phones. All phones come with cameras now. EVERY. SINGLE. CELL PHONE.
3) their first instinct is to take out the camera
Its not hard to whip out your phone and start filming.
4) they feel obligated to put it on youtube.
There are more avenues than YouTube to put a video/picture on.
when yukmouth got laid out and beat down and robbed in front of ralphs in studio city there wasn't video of it. people probably didn't know who yukmouth was, but by your logic that kind of spectacle falls under "EVERYTHING" right?
For one, Yukmouth isnt from LA. He is from Oakland, and by most standards, he isnt an international star like Game is. Not even close.
do we know where in the fox hills mall this was? i decided to waste my time and watch the video, they said they caught him while he was walking out and they were going in. was it in the parking lot? by one of the doorways? what time of day was it? there might not of even been a crowd of people, and if there were, that's not an automatic reason for any type of footage to materialize.
Anytime there is building drama, people are going to gather, or at the very least, pay attention to the drama. These guys didn't just knock him out...there was a discussion first. They could have been doing that for 5 minutes. You mean to tell me that NO ONE was around them at ALL in 5 a mall? In LA? I mean....really?
and as far as game being famous, there are plenty of light skinned black dudes with tats 6'3 in height walking around fox hills mall. unless you got close and looked at dude on the ground "plankin" you might have not realized who it actually was.
You cant be serious with this comment...can you? The Game is known around the WORLD. He is FAMOUS. He has a fuckin BUTTERFLY TATTO'D ON HIS FUCKING FACE.