a concept the siccness can't grasp? stating the obvious? why the fuck would anybody need to?
Jesus Christ you are fuckin slow...
do you really live that sad of life that the only excitement you get is saying something everybody feels they didn't need to? LOL congrats on the new line of work there buddy..
I said becuase I felt the original poster wasnt getting it...or did you not get that? Cmon, ene, keep up.
I got banned from the east co co board.. made a new s/n.. bada bing bada muffuccin boom.[/quote]
LOL @ you getting banned from your favorite board and life. YIKES!!!
Why the fuck would i announce my presence right away only to get banned again? Is that like the only shit you and your new e-skrap friends can pin on me? the default arguement you fall back on when the going gets tough?
The funny thing is, when someone gets banned, that usually means thet are NOT wanted around. Yet, like a dog with a frisby, here you are. Obviously, you were not wanted...imagine that.
"Default argument"? Uhhh...nooooo...its a true fuckin statement. Again, me = pointing out the obvious and you = not grasping the obvious.
"E-skrap" friends? The fuck are you talking about, weirdo? Im not wound up on the corny world of gangbanging to even give a little bit of a hot ass fuck about any of your e-bangers. If you are referring to Stomper, I was merely pointing out that unlike some of you hoe-cake as faggots that post on here, HE is actually vouched for...in other words, people KNOW who he is and can SAY he is actually doin that shit, OFF the internet...unlike YOU. The fuck are you, guy? You talk about hating "skrampas" so damn much, but are you doing any fuckin thin about it? I highly doubt it.
I find it hilarious that a very large handful of you Nortenos are always talking shit about Surenos being "e-bangers", when one only has to look at the ECC forum and say otherwise. Oh, the fuckin IRONY.
LMFAO I can recall a time when you were PMing me asking about the occult and spirituality.
And? Just cus I ask you about something I know nothing about, were supposed to be buddies? Lets make it clear, champ...i could care less about you or anyone of these other fucks on this board. You are a SCREEN NAME to me. Thats it. Just cus I agree with you on something one day, does NOT mean I am gonna agree with you another day. LOL @ thinking were are pals. And im the lonely one?
Shoulda told you to meditate in traffic in the dark. Fuck aye, i really feel bad for you. You aren't even a full time cheerleader like stomperra or surgurliman, your like a cheerleader bg, pickin up the pom poms and carryin their baggage. haha square.
So telling it like it is, is cheerleading now. Goddamn, cheerleading is becoming the most miusused word on the Siccness like "hate" and "racist"...
LOL @ feeling bad for ME...again, the irony.
Listen, sport....i think youre a fuckin idiot, personally. Not only that, but your a fuckin emo douche bag who needs severe counseling. I suggest you get some. Better yet, once I recieve my BA in psychology, Ill give you my card and ill give you a free 15 minutes on the couch.
"no one likes me, so im leaving! Hmmph!"
Do us all a favor, go slit your wrists...and remember, cut DOWN the street, not ACROSS the street.