drugs, a gateway to spiritual enlightenment?

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Apr 25, 2002
yeah I seen some stuff while on drugs

Bob Marley turned his head and gave me the finger.....I wonder what he was trying to tell me....LOL

One major effect drugs do to me, is I do see things that I didn't see before, for example I trip off of things I never did before and even peeps seem different to me, and when they act a certain way (when I'm sober) I see those things again

what does it all mean


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
is shrooms safe? i know they aren't gonna kill ya but i don't do anything other than weed and alcohol so i wanna know about that. my weedman wanted to sell me some but i don't know if i want that shit.


Apr 25, 2002
i remember replying to a post just like this many months ago. it was right after i joined the siccness for the first time.

ok hers something to look into. when the bible says WITCHCRAFT and SORCERY what do you think its talking about? witches,ghouls and goblins????/ no its not. get a strongs concordence or greek lexicon. study the word. it will lead you to PHARMECIA (or a similar spelling).

does that word look familiar?????

the spirit realm. something many of you know nothing about..............



Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
HERESY said:
i remember replying to a post just like this many months ago. it was right after i joined the siccness for the first time.

ok hers something to look into. when the bible says WITCHCRAFT and SORCERY what do you think its talking about? witches,ghouls and goblins????/ no its not. get a strongs concordence or greek lexicon. study the word. it will lead you to PHARMECIA (or a similar spelling).

does that word look familiar?????

the spirit realm. something many of you know nothing about..............


well if we dont know, that's why i posted this......care to inform me/us? so what you're saying is that in the bible it's talking about drugs? a good explanation would be much appriciated.....thanks homey!


Apr 25, 2002
so what you're saying is that in the bible it's talking about drugs?
you have spoken correctly.

i gave you the tools my friend.

strongs concordence or/and greek lexicon.

look up witchcraft and sorceries and it will lead you to PHARMECIA or a word very similar to that.

does pharmecia look like *PHARMECY* to you??????

study THE WORD after that study the words............

PAN and REGES will welcome you to hell.................

May 16, 2002
In the Bible it talks about the "fruit of knowledge" that Adam and Eve ate. My theory... drugs. I can't say that I haven't bit that apple, but I can say that I ask for forgiveness. And that everything works according to God's plan.

I took some XTC and walked in a false heaven and Hell. It made me rethink my whole life. It also confirmed everything I had read in Revealations and the Bible. For three months I spent my days right inbetween that world and this. And I came to the conclusion that I never needed drugs to reach the level I had found. Drugs overloaded my comprehension so that I couldn't focus my thoughts. It made me think that anything was possible and that there was no right and wrong. That's when I realized that it was bad. The Bible says that the anti-christ will tell you that there is no God and devil. If the devil can convince you that he doesn't exist then you probably wouldn't believe in God. That's why Satan is called the Deciever he gives you no reason or purpose to fight for. He kills your motivation thus givin you time to only think about yourself cuz you ain't got nobody to answer to anymore. He makes you feel guiltless. Only some of yall are gonna feel me on this. The reason we feel guilty is because deep down inside somewhere we know someone is watchin us. People caught up in The Lie never hear the truth cuz they only hear what they wanna hear they ain't crazy just lost.

Heresy you talked about "any other way into the Lord's house is like a thief in his house". Guess where the lock picks are. Becareful where you tresspass. Cuz God will be damned if any unloyal traitor gets there hands on the Tree of Life. It is written.

"If you play the game you play to win"- Pac

"Rock beat scissors, scissors beat paper, paper beat rock................. God wins!" -J.C.Situation

"And I will strike down with great wrath and furious anger, those who attempt to poision my brother. And you will know my name is the LORD, when I lay my vengence upon thee!!!"- The Bible


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
hey dogg, i'm not really into the whole religious scene or whatever but i feel you on that shit....i do alwas feel llike someone is watching me.....it's either that i'm just paranoid, or that it's really true...
Apr 26, 2002
The Strange thing about tripping is that level of Paranoia that you get. Like when I took Acid Or Shrooms, I had trouble lookin' people directly in tha Face. Like I'd go into tha liquor store, and I would just kinda give this blank stare, and I be thinking that they were thinking on was on sumptin'.
Like I trip on people knowing that I'm on sumptin', You feel?
Even though You're acting normal and shit, people always seem to just give you trhat weird look.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
BIG J said:

Like I trip on people knowing that I'm on sumptin', You feel?
Even though You're acting normal and shit, people always seem to just give you trhat weird look.

I know exactly what you're sayin.....every time i'm on somethin', people look at me just a little bit different than when i'm not on somethin'....they look at you like they know you're on something, but they aren't sure, so then don't wanna say anything, but it's in the back of their minds...

HERESY....I didn't mean like that.....I know that i am being watched by someone above....I meant like just in general.....But I feel you on that....I'm still tryina figure out my beliefs regarding the after life etc....But I know there's gotta be something after we die....It's just really confusing for me....


Apr 25, 2002
@Sixxness when i answered that you ARE being watched i meant it. someone is ALWATS watching you. weather it be imps or big brother. do you know how many hidden cameras exist in S.F. alone????? they did a report on this on the comedy stations (fox news,nbc and abc). very disturbing.

someone is ALWAYS watching you. like now. i know someone is watching me. im not on ANYTHING but i know im being watched.

when you're on one you're in the spirit realm. some things you can pick up on. other things you cant. some senses are magnified. others are dulled.........

now bacchus comes into play.........they all go back to each other. one snare leads to another......
