I suppose if we're going to be completely candid, I've spent a good amount of this year shooting up meth. (I've not done it in a hot minute, have been turning it down and finally decided it's not what I need in my life right now.) I've done everything with it except booty bumps (shot, snort, eaten, smoked) and I think that makes me fairly qualified to guage the levels and extremes of dope dick according to method of use.
SMOKED: The lowest level. As I'm sure more than one person here can attest, you can easily burn through a ball or two in eight to twelve hours like it's nothing if you just sit and roke all day. That's $225-$250 per ball. Personally smoking was always my least favorite way to do it, because you only get 30% of the possible high from smoking any drug, although it's the second fastest way to get it in your bloodstream (next to mainlining), it always gave me a cloudier, foggy, less clear high, and it made me do retarded things - different kind of retarded than the retarded shit I'd do while high otherwise. Like deciding I need to try and eat a steak, so I turn the burner on, but there's a fucking washrag with rubber lining for superb scrubbing action and I don't realize it's melting to the stovetop until the house is full of disgusting, foul smoke. When you smoke, you can be high, and even know you're high, but if you got more shit to roke, you'll sit there and roke it until it's gone and then you'll still want to roke more. Whenever I roke and jerk, the cloudy retardation of the method usually leads to me forgetting I'm even jacking in the middle of doing it, and I'll often just sit there staring in the general direction of the TV/computer monitor with my dick in my hand for a while until I remember what I'm doing. I can eat full meals and sleep a full night's sleep even if I smoke a teener ($150, about a gram and a half to two grams) to the dome but only because of my acquired tolerance.
SPEED OF INITIAL SHRINKAGE ONSET: 5/10 (N/A for me, smoking no longer gives me dope dick, no matter how much or what strength.)
SNORTED: A step above smoking. Doesn't hit you as fast immediately, but lasts longer. Burns fucking HOLES through your nostrils, especially if you do a hotrail. A hotrail is when you get a metal straw, heat one end of it with a lighter, and apply it to a line, snorting in the smoke as the line melts. Most people don't realize you're only supposed to inhale the smoke through your nose and not the burning shit - I've known people who did a hotrail too fast and it melted a hole in the back of their throat and they talk like they've got a frog stuck in their throat. Snorting any drug gives you 50% of the possible high but is the second slowest way besides eating to get it into your bloodstream. When I started out I liked to get a $50 for myself and I could make little lines and it would last me three days and two or three nights but now I would end up making two big rails out of the same bag and I'd come down by the end of the day or about halfway into the night.
SPEED OF INITIAL SHRINKAGE: 4/10 (snorting rarely gives me that trademark shrinkage anymore but I definately get way more tingly and sensitive)
EATEN: This is the closest to shooting up that you can get without cherrypopping your little virgin veins. Eating any drug gives you about 60-75% of the fullest possible high. Takes longer to kick in than any other method but it's well worth it. You have to make sure to drink something with it to wash it down so you don't get a rock caught in your throat, slowly and disgustingly melting over time. Eat half a gram to a gram of good shit all at once and no matter what your tolerance, I give you my Vagrant Guarantee that you'll be up and on one for at least one 24 hour day straight, maybe two depending on quality and tolerance. It will taste like absolute shit, but the best white dope always tastes like the worst thing you've ever tasted, every time.
SPEED OF INITIAL SHRINKAGE: 1/10 (only because of the time it takes to digest)
THE NOTORIOUS R.I.G.: I will keep this concise. If I were to write down everything I've learned about slamming dope it would fill a fucking encyclopedia. Also writing about it makes me think about doing it which is no good so let's get the show on the road here. This is absolutely without a shadow of a doubt the best high I've ever and will ever have. Longest, strongest, most euphoric, body and mental high at the same time, quickest initial onset, immediate satisfaction every time. I've never shot heroin so I can't say from experience that it beats that, and it's also a very different kind of high regardless, but I've shot morphine and it's not even close. After having an orgasm on a rig binge, it's literally hard for me to get as interested in sex and jerking off as I used to be because it just will never compare again. It's like the feeling you get in your cock when you cum, except spread out through your WHOLE FUCKING BODY, the intensity of climax amped up 500x. It's like your whole body is a cock and it's fucking god in the ass. After I learned that it's impossible to overdose on a meth shot (you'll just overamp, fall asleep in a fashion akin to being knocked out in a boxing match and wake up high as fuck), on more than a couple occasions, I've sat down and dumped a gram of awesome shit into a spoon, mixed and did it all at once. That will get any man high for DAYS. You don't have to do another load for literally days, you'll be awake, you'll still be high as fuck. Compare that to sitting and roking and roking and roking until you shatter your roker from overuse, or snorting so much that the alkaline drip and nosebleeding becomes unbearable. I could go on and on and on and on but don't really want to talk about it anymore.
INITIAL ONSET: Immediate, instantaneous