ppl get it twisted a lil bit, you see Droop thought with him we would take a fall then we dropped Bg Evil and Controversy Sellz comp and did pretyy damn good on em and then Underground hittaz and more , so we was coo so he decide that wasnt working so maybe he though he would talk bad on us and other ppl would follow him, that didnt work, except a few chose that cling on to Droop and his beliefs, so now its been more ok, he will just let his lil cling on's do the shit talking.......through all this we still know who Droop is and what he made of, we never had anyhard feelings from him, we understood his tactics, sum not being too busines slike sum being purely dumb, but if Droop ever wanted ta sit down and talk about doing sum more business again sum day we would consider it, we was a good team tagether, i aint the typa guy that looks up to anyone, i am bigger than all except god, my kids and family, but he expected even us the CEO's to look up to him and he didnt get that at all from me or Keith, but we have rights to the album "Prince of Darkness" however he still has righst to royalitys from it like he got from all other albums.......but we are not sure weather we want to put him on blast like he is doing big thangz anymore, but then again we will all get paid for so thats what we are balancing out right now...he claims to be from Loughbrough Ave. Northside Piru Bloods.......i wont speak on it but yea that wut he claims......but as of now we are not in business tagether.....but KVE has plenty business planz, and is by no way done!