(0:00) Sweeney: Shots fired, 29th and Yesler!
(0:06) Dispatcher: Is there a unit calling radio?
(0:15) Officer 1: I believe she said I-5 north of yesler
(0:19) Operator: 3 george 13?
(0:22) Sweeney: [sobs]
(0:24) Operator: 3 George 13? I map George 13, I show her at 29 and E yesler way, if units could [surge?] that way
(0:37) Sweeney: Help. Shots fired [sobs]
(0:42) Sweeney: My partner’s dead.
(0:44) Dispatcher: I need units to 29 and East Yesler
(0:47) Officer 2: Edward 32’s on his way [Siren]
(1:00) Officer 1: 3 George en route
(1:08) Sweeney: Help me.
(1:13) Dispatcher: Help the officer 29 and E Yesler
(1:24) Sweeney: I need medical
(1:38) Officer 1: George 31 arriving
(2:01) Officer 1: George 33, we’ve got officer down. We need more, uh, we need fire here now.
(2:08) Dispatcher: Fire’s on the way.
(0:37) Sweeney: Help. Shots fired [sobs]
(0:42) Sweeney: My partner’s dead.