you sounds real hardcore too, 'homie'.
sounds like you got your dickies & cornrows too tight, HOLMES. lol
I aint trippin off yall murkin each other, my point is how some of you fags sound super ignorant to the loss of life.
just think if you lost your mom to a stray bullet... who's house you gonna live in? Who's gonna wipe your shitty little ass after you take a dookie? Who is gonna pack your peanut butter & jelly sammich? hahaha!
thats right youngster, I'm saying you probably live @ home with your mom & don't know the 1st thing about losing someone close to you, for no reason.
you punks aint gangster, plain n simple.
....just some fags on the net trying to be, cause you wannabe.
read all you can, so you can know everything about 'bangin.... cause street cats are gonna respect the innocent.